Posts tagged with 'transformative change'
This is part two in a series on capacity development for city leaders. As the global urban population continues to grow rapidly, cities are being tasked with addressing a variety of needs – economic, social, political, environmental – with very ...
It was a contrast of opportunities and challenges confronting cities around the world highlighted at the Daring Cities forum’s final session on October 28, the culmination of three weeks, 400 speakers and 200 hours of dialogue and knowledge exchange. Mayor ...
We need to reframe the concept of inclusive cities. That observation made by renowned urbanist Günter Meinert helped set the tone for a deep discussion on more equitable cities during the Daring Cities forum, a free virtual event geared for local ...
This article was originally published on Global Dashboard, as part of their Scenarios Week series, exploring and expanding on Long Crisis Scenarios. For professional optimists like me in the business of advancing an alternative, more wholesome economic model, the temptation can ...
As the COVID-19 outbreak disrupts mobility worldwide, more and more cities are transforming their streets to increase space for walking and cycling and reduce car use during and after the pandemic. These changes are designed to help people get around ...
Across the world, from Wuhan to New York City, cities are on the frontline of the unfolding COVID-19 crisis. Starting with overwhelmed heath care systems, cities are experiencing unprecedented strain across social, economic and environmental systems as economies grind to ...
In the 21st century, a seemingly global prosperity masks an unequal distribution of benefits. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the world’s cities, where extreme wealth can exist next door to concentrated poverty. In some cities, like those in South Africa, ...
“Cities are special,” Luis Bettencourt says in an interview for the Cities Research Seminar Series, but they may only be beginning to tap into their full potential. We need to think about cities more as “collective systems that have their ...
Cities are hotspots for global innovation and transformative change, from restoring urban vitality through street design to enhancing access through data-driven solutions. In 2019, we watched as cities took on these challenges, leading the charge into a new decade. Our ...
The inaugural WRI Ross Prize for Cities, a $250,000 award celebrating and spotlighting urban transformation, was awarded to SARSAI on Wednesday for its incisive, easily replicable and highly impactful approach to creating safer journeys to school for children in Dar es Salaam ...
Warwick Junction is a finalist for the WRI Ross Prize for Cities. Warwick Junction’s maze of stalls, arches and bridges can elicit wonder in any first-time visitor to South Africa’s largest marketplace. The area’s nine distinct markets are wedged between ...
Metrocable is a finalist for the WRI Ross Prize for Cities. Medellín, Colombia, used to be the murder capital of the world. With the explosion of the global drug trade in the 1980s, crime burgeoned, plunging the city into ...
The WRI Ross Prize for Cities seeks to answer the question every city wants to know: How do you achieve lasting, large-scale, positive change in your city? This week, applications for the inaugural $250,000 WRI Ross Prize closed and the ...