Posts tagged with 'Paris Agreement'
Accelerating America's Pledge: How US States, Cities and Businesses Can Deliver Ambitious Climate Action
Accelerating America’s Pledge: How US States, Cities and Businesses Can Deliver Ambitious Climate Action
There’s been a dramatic groundswell of “bottom-up” climate leadership from U.S. states, cities and businesses in the face of a federal retreat on climate action. From state legislation mandating cleaner electricity sources to city policies encouraging all-electric buildings, these local ...
How Countries Can Step Up Climate Pledges Through Action in 4 Key Sectors
How Countries Can Step Up Climate Pledges Through Action in 4 Key Sectors
Every year for the past decade, scientists have come together to measure the gap between where greenhouse gas emissions are headed under current climate pledges, and where they need to be in order to limit global warming to the levels ...
4 Priorities for the COP25 Climate Conference in Madrid
4 Priorities for the COP25 Climate Conference in Madrid
It has been a tumultuous time for the UN climate talks. The mass protests against social inequality in Chile prompted the country to give up its plan to host COP25 just a month before the annual talks were scheduled to begin in December. But ...
As Trump Steps Away from Paris Climate Agreement, US States, Cities and Businesses Step Up
As Trump Steps Away from Paris Climate Agreement, US States, Cities and Businesses Step Up
U.S. states, cities and businesses are an essential part of the response to the global climate crisis – and their role is ever more crucial as the Trump administration moves to pull the United States from the historic Paris Agreement. ...
Everything You Need to Know About the Fastest-Growing Source of Global Emissions: Transport
Everything You Need to Know About the Fastest-Growing Source of Global Emissions: Transport
People and goods are on the move faster and farther than ever. All that movement comes at a cost – not just the sticker price of a new car, train ticket or shipping bill, but also an environmental cost. Transport, ...
What Does 'Net-Zero Emissions' Mean? 6 Common Questions, Answered
What Does ‘Net-Zero Emissions’ Mean? 6 Common Questions, Answered
The latest research is clear: To avoid the worst climate impacts, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will not only need to drop by half in the next 10 years, they will then have to reach net-zero around mid-century. Recognizing this ...
Zero Carbon Buildings, Accelerating Adaptation, National Leadership at UN Climate Action Summit
Zero Carbon Buildings, Accelerating Adaptation, National Leadership at UN Climate Action Summit
The UN Climate Action Summit in New York this week saw strengthened national climate commitments from 67 countries, but a disappointing showing from the world’s major economies. As national governments fall short, cities must continue to be climate champions. Indeed, ...
The 3 Key Tasks for World Leaders at the UN Climate Action Summit
The 3 Key Tasks for World Leaders at the UN Climate Action Summit
World leaders will soon gather in New York City for a summit on an urgent challenge that affects every aspect of our lives, from the economy to jobs, security and migration and our health. It is, of course, the climate crisis. The tens of thousands of fires recently afflicting the ...
For a 1.5 C World, Cities Must Go Carbon Neutral. They Can’t Do It Alone.
For a 1.5 C World, Cities Must Go Carbon Neutral. They Can’t Do It Alone.
Around the world, grassroots movements like Extinction Rebellion and Fridays for Future are sounding the alarm about the climate crisis, and government representatives are responding to the call: national parliaments and cities have declared climate emergencies, the Green New Deal is gathering support in ...
3 Issues to Watch at the COP24 Climate Summit
3 Issues to Watch at the COP24 Climate Summit
The UN climate summit in Katowice, Poland (COP24) is seen by many as the most important climate negotiation since 2015, when 196 countries created a vision for a zero-carbon future by adopting the landmark Paris Agreement. This year’s summit is the ...
Curbing Climate Change and Preventing Deaths from Air Pollution Go Hand-in-Hand
Curbing Climate Change and Preventing Deaths from Air Pollution Go Hand-in-Hand
More than 7 million people die prematurely every year due to air pollution. That’s like the entire population of Hong Kong dropping dead due to a cause that’s ultimately avoidable. The World Health Organization (WHO) is turning its attention to ...
8 Years Watching and Influencing Urban Transformation: Reflections From a Foundation Program Officer
8 Years Watching and Influencing Urban Transformation: Reflections From a Foundation Program Officer
Can innovative work be achieved by a program officer in a philanthropic organization? I remember asking this question when I started at the Hewlett Foundation in 2010. In my time there, I learned that program staff at philanthropies get to ...
The $250,000 Question: What Does a Transformative Urban Project Look Like?
The $250,000 Question: What Does a Transformative Urban Project Look Like?
The WRI Ross Prize for Cities seeks to answer the question every city wants to know: How do you achieve lasting, large-scale, positive change in your city? This week, applications for the inaugural $250,000 WRI Ross Prize closed and the ...
Green Growth for the Commonwealth: Ready for Phase Three
Green Growth for the Commonwealth: Ready for Phase Three
This post was originally published in The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2018 Report. A few short years ago, the idea of sustainability drew praise as something that ought to be encouraged for its environmental benefits, despite what was then seen ...
This One Chart Shows the Radical Changes Needed to Achieve Sustainable Cities
This One Chart Shows the Radical Changes Needed to Achieve Sustainable Cities
Rose Molokoane picked up the microphone at the World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur in February, and challenged the room full of policymakers, practitioners and researchers. “I’ve been a part of every World Urban Forum, and government is always talking about needing ...
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