Posts tagged with 'Paris Agreement'
How Global Policy Does (and Does Not) Account for Walking and Cycling
How Global Policy Does (and Does Not) Account for Walking and Cycling
This series, supported by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations, discusses walking and cycling in cities with a special focus on low- and middle-income countries. Walking and cycling are getting more and more attention in wealthy cities, as ideas about ...
Despite Some Major Bumps, Bonn Climate Summit Got the Job Done
Despite Some Major Bumps, Bonn Climate Summit Got the Job Done
By the time the last gavel came down early in the morning of November 18, international climate negotiators in Bonn paved the way to the next climate summit in Katowice, Poland in 2018. There, the rules underpinning the Paris Agreement ...
Report: Cities and States Pledging Action on Climate Represent More Than Half US Economy
Report: Cities and States Pledging Action on Climate Represent More Than Half US Economy
When President Donald Trump announced his intention to pull the world’s second largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions out of the Paris Agreement, there was understandable concern. But much of the United States pledged to continue moving forward with climate ...
How Can Countries Make Progress at COP23? Work with Cities
How Can Countries Make Progress at COP23? Work with Cities
At this week’s climate conference in Bonn, Germany, the pressure is on many national governments to continue implementation of the Paris Agreement despite the United States’ intention to withdraw. But they’ll have help from the world’s cities. Bonn is shaping ...
With National Urban Policies, the Process Is the Goal
An expanding body of research shows that cities are truly the nexus of the global agenda. But as cities have been recognized as key to a host of global aims, it has become increasingly complex to parse through priorities, processes ...
Live from Transforming Transportation 2017: How Do Cities Make Disruptive Technologies Work for All?
Live from Transforming Transportation 2017: How Do Cities Make Disruptive Technologies Work for All?
Transforming Transportation (#TTDC17) is the annual conference co-organized by the World Bank and the EMBARQ mobility initiative of WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. This year’s conference is themed Beyond Commitments: Sustainable Mobility for All, and takes place on January ...
Transforming Transportation: Toward Sustainable Mobility for All
From taxi apps to car sharing, from buses to the metro, from bike sharing to walking, not to mention personal cars, there are more transportation choices than ever before for that staple of modern life: the daily commute. The same ...
From Quito to Marrakech: Towards an Inclusive 1.5 Degree Pathway for Sustainable Mobility
More than 35,000 people from around the world gathered in Quito in October to celebrate the adoption of a New Urban Agenda, and an estimated 20,000 people convened in Marrakech two weeks ago for COP22. The events and dialogue that ...
Do Global Initiatives Put the Transport Sector on Track to Fight Climate Change?
Today is Transport Day at COP22, which will highlight the important contribution transport can make to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Over the last two years, the Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA), as part of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ...
Habitat III: Milestone for the World’s Cities or Business as Usual?
Habitat III: Milestone for the World’s Cities or Business as Usual?
Two weeks ago, 30,000 people gathered in Quito, Ecuador, for Habitat III, the once-every-20-years UN conference on housing and sustainable urban development. At the conference, 167 country representatives adopted a non-binding but influential vision for cities of the future known as the ...
Live from Habitat III: National Policy, Local Empowerment and Climate Change
Live from Habitat III: National Policy, Local Empowerment and Climate Change
WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities is reporting on Habitat III from Quito, Ecuador. Follow our daily coverage on TheCityFix. Habitat III, the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, officially began on Monday, October 17th in ...
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