We’re Underestimating How Many People Lack Sanitation – and Ignoring the Best Solution for Many Cities
We’re Underestimating How Many People Lack Sanitation – and Ignoring the Best Solution for Many Cities
In the urban neighborhood known as Kosovo Village in Nairobi, Kenya, 95% of residents defecate in communal or shared facilities where untreated human waste drains directly into a nearby river. During a storm, fetid and polluted waters flood the riverbanks, ...
Coastal Flooding Impacts Millions of People. Urban Expansion Makes the Risk Worse.
Coastal Flooding Impacts Millions of People. Urban Expansion Makes the Risk Worse.
Among cities with the highest rates of outward expansion are coastal cities that are extremely vulnerable to flooding from sea level rise and storm surges. Map by Resource Watch Urban expansion and sea level rise are combining to increase the ...
How to Prevent City Climate Action from Becoming ‘Green Gentrification’
How to Prevent City Climate Action from Becoming 'Green Gentrification'
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans 14 years ago, hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs, homes and possessions. But some people were hit harder than others. Nearly two-thirds of jobs lost after the hurricane were lost by women, and ...
Putting People at the Center of Climate Action
Putting People at the Center of Climate Action
This commentary explores the social and economic benefits that climate action can deliver and uses real world examples to show how these benefits can be used to further equity and ensure a just transition to a new climate economy. In ...
Accelerating America’s Pledge: How US States, Cities and Businesses Can Deliver Ambitious Climate Action
Accelerating America's Pledge: How US States, Cities and Businesses Can Deliver Ambitious Climate Action
There’s been a dramatic groundswell of “bottom-up” climate leadership from U.S. states, cities and businesses in the face of a federal retreat on climate action. From state legislation mandating cleaner electricity sources to city policies encouraging all-electric buildings, these local ...
CO2 Emissions Climb to an All-Time High (Again) in 2019: 6 Takeaways from the Latest Climate Data
CO2 Emissions Climb to an All-Time High (Again) in 2019: 6 Takeaways from the Latest Climate Data
Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are on track to again climb to a record high in 2019, according to a new report from the Global Carbon Project, putting the world at risk of catastrophic climate change due to these heat-trapping gases. ...
How Countries Can Step Up Climate Pledges Through Action in 4 Key Sectors
How Countries Can Step Up Climate Pledges Through Action in 4 Key Sectors
Every year for the past decade, scientists have come together to measure the gap between where greenhouse gas emissions are headed under current climate pledges, and where they need to be in order to limit global warming to the levels ...
Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action
Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action
Chile withdrew as host of this year’s UN climate conference amid widespread unrest, but that doesn’t mean that fighting climate change should be pushed into second place behind addressing social inequality. On the contrary, the situation in Chile shows all countries that the social and climate ...
12 Reasons Climate Action Is Good for the United States Economy
12 Reasons Climate Action Is Good for the United States Economy
The United States is the only nation that doesn’t show up in the list of countries currently committed to the Paris Agreement. But that doesn’t mean most Americans aren’t trying to do their part. In fact, U.S. states, cities and ...
4 Priorities for the COP25 Climate Conference in Madrid
4 Priorities for the COP25 Climate Conference in Madrid
It has been a tumultuous time for the UN climate talks. The mass protests against social inequality in Chile prompted the country to give up its plan to host COP25 just a month before the annual talks were scheduled to begin in December. But ...