Posts in the 'Map of the Month' category
How Rapid Urbanization in Africa Compounds Water Challenges
How Rapid Urbanization in Africa Compounds Water Challenges
Africa’s population is growing faster than any other continent’s and its urban population is expected to more than double by 2050. This urban rapid growth, which is mostly sprawling “horizontal” growth, as the World Resources Report: Towards a More Equal City shows, is combining with climate ...
Map of street access in Dar es Salaam
How Higher Quality Data Can Help Improve Urban Planning and Reduce Inequities
Local-level, high-quality data can provide powerful insights for urban planning and lead to better policies on mobility, climate adaptation, gender equity and more. But only if the inputs are good and there’s enough capacity to analyze it effectively. New technologies ...
Map of tree cover loss in Brazil
How Forests Affect the Fate of Cities in Eastern Brazil
Global forest loss remains high. In 2021, the tropics lost 11.1 million hectares of tree cover, according to WRI’s latest analysis. This annual figure included 3.75 million hectares of loss within tropical primary rainforests, resulting in 2.5 gigatons of CO2 ...
Coastal Flooding Impacts Millions of People. Urban Expansion Makes the Risk Worse.
Coastal Flooding Impacts Millions of People. Urban Expansion Makes the Risk Worse.
Among cities with the highest rates of outward expansion are coastal cities that are extremely vulnerable to flooding from sea level rise and storm surges. Map by Resource Watch Urban expansion and sea level rise are combining to increase the ...
Tamil Nadu’s Seasonal Swings in Water Stress: A State with Too Much and Too Little
Tamil Nadu’s Seasonal Swings in Water Stress: A State with Too Much and Too Little
Tamil Nadu state in south India suffers from seasonal extremes in water availability. Sometimes there is too much water, and in other seasons not enough. Chennai, the coastal capital of 10 million people, experienced a “Day Zero” crisis this summer, ...
Heat + Emissions = Dangerous Urban Air Quality
Heat + Emissions = Dangerous Urban Air Quality
Summertime often means soaring, dangerous temperatures. Recent heat waves in Europe brought government warnings, power plant shutdowns, restrictions on automobile use, heat stroke and deaths. But misery in Europe and elsewhere is compounded by the chemistry of how emissions from ...
Better Transport Should Mean Better Access: Assessing Infrastructure Investments in İzmir, Turkey
Better Transport Should Mean Better Access: Assessing Infrastructure Investments in İzmir, Turkey
The previous Map of the Month showed the power of accessibility data – comparing average travel time to different services in Mexico City – as a proxy to understand inequality in cities. But similar analyses can also help us to ...
From Jobs to Education, Inequality in Mexico City Is About Access
From Jobs to Education, Inequality in Mexico City Is About Access
In Mexico City, someone living in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods has 28 times better access to jobs in a 30-minute trip by public transit and walking than someone living in the poorest areas. Twenty-eight times. And this says nothing ...
Mapping the Impacts of Urban Growth: Outward vs. Upward in São Paulo and Addis Ababa
Mapping the Impacts of Urban Growth: Outward vs. Upward in São Paulo and Addis Ababa
Cities can choose how they grow by directing investment and policies in specific ways. Those cities that have more upward growth relative to outward growth, for example, are better able to provide services and opportunities to their residents because development ...
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