Posts tagged with 'sustainable transportation'
As the two-wheeler sector continues to expand in India, researchers study the demographics of two-wheeler users and their possible role in promoting sustainable mobility. Photo by Meghana Kularni/Flickr."
Challenges in managing the motorized two-wheeler sector in India
With increasing income levels and rapid urbanization, India’s motorized two-wheeler fleet – which includes mopeds, scooters, and motorcycles – continues to expand. As a private transport mode, two-wheelers are particularly popular because of their low costs, fuel economy, maneuverability, and ...
Urban planners and city leaders look for a new framework to think about sustainable transport that promotes accessibility over mobility. Photo by Trevor Pritchard/Flickr.
Ekistics offers new perspective on mobility versus access
Being able to use a bus to travel ten miles to a super market is not the same as having a grocery store around the corner. Mobility, even sustainable mobility, is not the same as access. In order to create ...
Istanbul is working towards an integrated transport network to turn the tide against motor vehicle and make mass transport the dominant form of mobility once more. Photo by Andreaffm/Flickr.
Can a multimodal Istanbul reverse the tide of car dependency?
Turkey has had good fortune in seeing the personal incomes of its citizens rise from US$ 6,800 in 2000 to US$ 14,700 in 2011. Yet with increasing incomes has come a trend towards personal motorization, with private vehicle ownership jumping from 889,000 to ...
Upcoming Low Emission Transport Toolkit webinar will help planners and city leaders to plan, finance, and implement sustainable transport solutions. Photo by EMBARQ Brazil.
Transport Toolkit: Six steps to a low emission transport system
City leaders and planners weigh difficult decisions when choosing the path for their cities. When it comes to transport, they face such challenges as deciding between developing bus rapid transit (BRT) or light rail, and finding the best way to ...
Mayors play a pivotal role in creating sustainable, livable cities. Photo by Tommy Vohs /Flickr.
On the move: Advancing sustainable transport – getting from here to there
This is the tenth and final post of the “Sustainable Urban Transport On The Move” blog series, exclusive to TheCityFix. Preparation of this series was possible thanks to a grant by Shell Corporation. Its contents are the sole responsibility of ...
The Hovenring provides safe cycling infrastructure for the rising number of cyclists in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Photo by Earthblog/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Futuristic designs make for awesome bicycle infrastructure
Anyone who bikes in a city knows that it can be frustrating and dangerous to share the road with cars, particularly when street design privileges drivers over cyclists.  For this reason, designers and architects around the world have started to ...
Streetscape in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Photo by Marcelo Druck/Flickr.
Two steps forward, one step back: Google Transit launches in Porto Alegre, Brazil
Google Transit has come to the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. Google Transit’s introduction to developing cities like Porto Alegre provides enormous potential benefits to urban residents by allowing them to plot a course from one location to another ...
Metro construction in Mysore, India. Photo by Samuel Raj/Flickr.
The trillion dollar question: Where does transport investment come from?
How much money is spent on global transport systems? And where is this money coming from? These are critical questions: The world’s cities will add 274,000 people every day for the next 30 years, and urban leaders are currently grappling ...
Dr. Leon "Lee" J. Schipper. Photo by EMBARQ.
Deadline extended for 2014 Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship applications
Last month, EMBARQ and the Schipper Family announced a call for applications for the 2014 Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship for Sustainable Transport and Energy Efficiency. In order to accommodate sustained interested in the Scholarship, the committee has elected to extend ...
A family travels by train in Germany. Photo by Edo Medicks/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Awesome infographics show benefits of sustainable transport
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So what about an infographic? Information graphics, or infographics, recently emerged as a highly popular and effective medium for visualizing and sharing information. According to, a website that helps users ...
Mexico City's Metrobús. Photo by EMBARQ Mexico.
Saving lives with sustainable transport
Sustainable transport initiatives have gained traction in recent years in developing world cities. This trend can be seen in the growth in Bus Rapid Transit and Busway systems around the world, the new bike-sharing scheme in Mexico City, or the ...
"Open to the Notion" by Tommy Vohs
On the move: The global rise of mass transit
This is the sixth post of the “Sustainable Urban Transport On The Move” blog series, exclusive to TheCityFix. Preparation of this series was possible thanks to a grant by Shell. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors. As ...
Crowded street in New Delhi, India
Why developing countries need sustainable transport: Q&A with Dr. V. Setty Pendakur, Part I
Here at TheCityFix, we emphasize the importance of sustainable urban transport and improved urban development every day. Recently, I had the immense pleasure of speaking with an esteemed individual who reminded me, very articulately, why sustainable transport is so crucial ...
Dr. Leon J. Schipper, co-founder of EMBARQ
Call for applications: Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship
Editor’s note: the deadline for expressions of interest has been extended to January 3, 2014. See here for details.  Applications are now open for the 2014 Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship for Sustainable Transport and Energy Efficiency. Provided jointly by the ...
Road expansion in Bangalore
Less is more: BRT and metro avoid expansion of road infrastructure
In the realm of conducting transport economic and environmental assessments, the option of “doing nothing,” or “no project/investment,” is considered as the baseline for all projects. A baseline is a reference pathway against which the impact of a project is ...
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