Posts tagged with 'street design'
We Know How to Save Millions from Dying on the World’s Roads
We Know How to Save Millions from Dying on the World’s Roads
Fewer than 3 people per 100,000 are killed in road crashes in Sweden every year, less than almost anywhere else in the world. In contrast, it’s 11 per 100,000 in countries like India and the United States. One reason for ...
"Wishful Thinking" Graphic Narrative Feature
Friday Fun: Creatively Engaging Road Safety with a Graphic Narrative
India has the highest number of accident fatalities in the world. But the pressing issue of road safety is rarely taken seriously. This is particularly apparent, given the high frequency and intensity of risks that motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists take ...
Complete streets in Juice de Fora, Brazil
The data we need to move beyond streets for cars
Too many cities currently evaluate their streets in a way that doesn’t support long-term sustainability. The conventional approach centers exclusively on cars, and how quickly they can move up and down streets. Under this approach, a street receives an “A ...
Making Turkey's roads safer by design
Urban design for safer roads: Insights from EMBARQ Turkey’s RSLab
More than 1.2 million people worldwide are killed in road traffic crashes every year, and an additional 20 to 50 million are injured. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), if urgent action is not taken, these figures will increase ...
As vehicle ownership grows in cities worldwide, it becomes increasingly important for cities to implement well-designed bus systems that improve road safety for all users. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ.
Want healthy, thriving cities? Tackle traffic safety first
Every year, more than 1.2 million people die in traffic crashes worldwide, equivalent to nearly five Boeing 747 plane crashes every day. As developing economies grow and private car ownership becomes more mainstream, the number of associated crashes and fatalities ...
Bus priority systems have a track record of social and environmental benefits for cities. Now, research shows that bus priority systems – when accompanied with key road design features – can save lives in cities. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ.
How cities can save lives: Build safer bus systems
Traffic safety has become an urgent issue for cities around the globe, with traffic deaths claiming over 1.2 million lives per year according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Without proper action, this unacceptable trend is expected to make road ...
How can cities ensure that cyclists and motorists safely share streets? A new technology-enabled bike helmet may be part of the solution. Photo by Ciclista/Flickr.
Friday Fun: New gear at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show will make urban biking safer
Is biking more on your list of resolutions for 2015? If so, you have probably considered what to do to be safer while biking in the city. Around the world, new policies and innovative technologies are being developed to support ...
As motorcycle fleets grow in cities worldwide, governments must prioritize improving street design and alternative mobility options to slow the rise in motorcycle crashes. Photo by Frank/Flickr.
Growing motorcycle use creates a global safety challenge
Cities worldwide face the pressing challenge of growing motorcycle fleets and remarkable increases in related traffic fatalities. With streets ill-prepared and motor-bikes whizzing in every direction, the scene might best be described as urban transport anarchy. The problem is especially ...
Pedestrians face daily risk at Avenida Vieira Souto in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brazil.
Speeding in paradise: Contradictions abound at Rio de Janeiro’s beachfront
Rio de Janeiro is breathtaking. It just takes a walk along the boardwalk of the Copacabana and Ipanema beaches, for example, to be completely absorbed by the city’s natural beauty and the thousands of people enjoying these sites. There you ...
New research from EMBARQ can improve planners’ understanding of how to design safer intersections for pedestrians. Photo by Nicolae Duduta/EMBARQ.
Understanding how intersection and signal design impact pedestrian behavior
Pedestrians hit by vehicles when crossing on red are 56% more likely to be severely injured than those crossing on green. While crossing on red is often assumed to be mainly an issue of poor individual pedestrian behavior, recent research ...
Transport demand management strategies help wane commuters off the private car and make sustainable transport alternatives more viable, easing congestion and improving quality of life in cities. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brasil.
People-oriented Cities: Smarter driving, smarter cities
The “People-oriented Cities” series – exclusive to TheCityFix and Insights – explores how cities can become more sustainable and livable through transit-oriented development (TOD). The nine-part series addresses different urban design techniques and trends that reorient cities around people rather ...
Road safety auditing in Rio de Janeiro. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brazil.
The nuts and bolts of a road safety audit
Although many people want to help improve road safety around the world, few actually know the nuts and bolts of accomplishing this goal. Wilson Arias-Rojas, Civil Engineer and Surveyor with 17 years of experience working for the Department of Justice ...
Men walk down the street in India
Road safety audits matter
A road safety audit can help make sure that the most vulnerable users of the road, such as pedestrians, are kept safe. Photo by Mira on the wall. When people think “road” they think “automobile.” Roads are most usually designed ...
A Safety Assessment of Auto-rickshaws in Mumbai
A Safety Assessment of Auto-rickshaws in Mumbai
This blog post is a part of the catalyzing new mobility program and receives support from The Rockefeller Foundation.   Continuing the discussion on road safety in Mumbai city, EMBARQ India recently analysed data about road accident fatalities and serious injuries ...
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