Posts tagged with 'electric buses'
What Could Be: A 2030 Retrospective on Urban Mobility After COVID-19
What Could Be: A 2030 Retrospective on Urban Mobility After COVID-19
COVID-19 is a radical moment in so many ways. By disrupting urban systems so profoundly, it has thrust the question of urban futures before us in a way that we cannot ignore. Will cities recover? What will they look like? ...
Safer, More Sustainable Transport in a Post-COVID-19 World
Safer, More Sustainable Transport in a Post-COVID-19 World
The COVID-19 crisis has shown that effective public transport is vital to keeping cities running. By serving essential workers in health care, emergency services, food services, and other sectors, public transport has become a service not just for some people ...
3 Ways California Is Taking a Pro-Equity Approach to Electric Vehicles
3 Ways California Is Taking a Pro-Equity Approach to Electric Vehicles
California is home to 7 of the 10 most polluted metropolitan areas in the United States, with transportation being the state’s leading source of greenhouse gases. While pollution from the transport sector is bad for everyone, it disproportionately impacts people ...
6 Lessons on Energy Decarbonization from Countries Leading the Way
6 Lessons on Energy Decarbonization from Countries Leading the Way
Getting to a net-zero-carbon energy system is essential. It will be a major effort, one that requires significant investment in new low-carbon infrastructure, from renewable power plants to electric vehicles, efficient appliances and better constructed buildings. While very few countries are on track, China, Costa ...
Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action
Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action
Chile withdrew as host of this year’s UN climate conference amid widespread unrest, but that doesn’t mean that fighting climate change should be pushed into second place behind addressing social inequality. On the contrary, the situation in Chile shows all countries that the social and climate ...
How California Can Use Electric Vehicles to Keep the Lights On
How California Can Use Electric Vehicles to Keep the Lights On
In 2016, the U.S. Air Force offered a vision of the future for the transportation and energy sectors when the Los Angeles Air Force Base became the first federal facility to replace its entire ground vehicle fleet with plug-in electric vehicles (EVs). ...
Zero Carbon Buildings, Accelerating Adaptation, National Leadership at UN Climate Action Summit
Zero Carbon Buildings, Accelerating Adaptation, National Leadership at UN Climate Action Summit
The UN Climate Action Summit in New York this week saw strengthened national climate commitments from 67 countries, but a disappointing showing from the world’s major economies. As national governments fall short, cities must continue to be climate champions. Indeed, ...
Is It Worth It to Go Electric? New Tool Helps Cities Understand Costs & Benefits of Clean Buses
Is It Worth It to Go Electric? New Tool Helps Cities Understand Costs & Benefits of Clean Buses
Buses are one of the major sources of emissions in many cities, and they are undergoing a quiet revolution. A confluence of improved technology and increasing demand, driven by air pollution that is getting harder to ignore and more stringent ...
Creating a Robust Electric Mobility Ecosystem in India: 6 Takeaways from Connect Karo 2019
Creating a Robust Electric Mobility Ecosystem in India: 6 Takeaways from Connect Karo 2019
At Connect Karo 2019, WRI India’s seventh annual conference on sustainable urban development in India, experts across sectors agreed on one big thing: the future of mobility is electric. This marks a rapid evolution of opinion since last year’s Connect ...
Urban Future 2019 Puts Success to the Test by Spotlighting Urban Leaders from Developing Cities
Urban Future 2019 Puts Success to the Test by Spotlighting Urban Leaders from Developing Cities
Contrary to popular belief, the developed world isn’t the best role model when it comes to urban development. In fact, says Gerald Babel-Sutter, the founder and CEO of the Urban Future Global Conference, the developing world can learn more about ...
Live from Transforming Transportation 2019: The Convergence of Old and New Mobility
Live from Transforming Transportation 2019: The Convergence of Old and New Mobility
Why is Transforming Transportation (TT) 2019 focused on new mobility? Tech-driven disruptions in transport are already having huge impacts on our cities, said Ani Dasgupta, global director of WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. “What do we need to do ...
How Santiago de Chile Became a Global Leader on Electric Buses
How Santiago de Chile Became a Global Leader on Electric Buses
The electrification of transport has taken off around the globe. Cities and transit agencies are experimenting with the latest trends and innovations, spanning the gamut from cars to buses, scooters and bikes. We have seen China lead on electric vehicles ...
TheCityFix’s Top 10 Blogs from 2018
TheCityFix’s Top 10 Blogs from 2018
In 2018, we watched cities around the world grapple with the new mobility transition. Shared, electric and autonomous transportation, at the touch of the button, is redefining how people get around. At the same time, the ultimate effect of these ...
How Did Shenzhen Build the World’s Largest Electric Bus Fleet?
How Did Shenzhen Build the World’s Largest Electric Bus Fleet?
Diesel buses – and the choking smog they spew – are a common sight in most cities. But not in Shenzhen, China. The southeastern city, which connects Hong Kong to mainland China, announced at the end of last year that ...
How 3 Cities Are Navigating the Transition to Electric Buses
How 3 Cities Are Navigating the Transition to Electric Buses
As today’s urban areas house more than half the world’s population and produce more than 80 percent of global economic activity, cities are uniquely positioned to deliver sustainable solutions. However, poor local air quality and issues related to global climate change ...
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