Posts tagged with 'community engagement'
As the Coronavirus Looms, Can African Cities Become More Walkable and Bikeable?
As the Coronavirus Looms, Can African Cities Become More Walkable and Bikeable?
Cities in Africa are in something of a quandary when it comes to COVID-19. To date, the impact of the disease has been much less than most experts predicted. As of this writing, the continent has had over 890,000 confirmed ...
Tactical Urbanism: An Adaptive Tool for Safe Distancing
Tactical Urbanism: An Adaptive Tool for Safe Distancing
When was the last time you walked through the market without being conscious about other people walking close to you or the last time you took a stroll to a neighborhood park without thinking about the hygiene around? The COVID-19 ...
Street Transformations to Fight COVID-19: 3 Ways to Create Lasting Change
Street Transformations to Fight COVID-19: 3 Ways to Create Lasting Change
As the COVID-19 outbreak disrupts mobility worldwide, more and more cities are transforming their streets to increase space for walking and cycling and reduce car use during and after the pandemic. These changes are designed to help people get around ...
Cities, Battered by COVID-19, Remain Key to Recovery. How Can Investments Be Well Spent?
Cities, Battered by COVID-19, Remain Key to Recovery. How Can Investments Be Well Spent?
As the world reels from the COVID-19 pandemic, investment packages are taking shape to provide relief and recovery. Cities from New York to Nairobi are not only on the frontlines of the health and economic impacts, but they provide immense ...
Tackling Inequality in Cities Is Essential for Fighting COVID-19
Tackling Inequality in Cities Is Essential for Fighting COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a disruptive new normal for everyone through shelter-in-place orders and social distancing guidelines. But for the billions of urban poor, these guidelines aren’t just burdensome; they’re essentially impossible. Social distancing is a critically important response ...
How Will COVID-19 Affect Urban Planning?
How Will COVID-19 Affect Urban Planning?
The impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic are still being understood, but it does seem clear that this crisis will make a mark on cities, physically and socially, that will echo for generations. How we plan our cities has always ...
Photo Essay: After Successful Test, Porto Alegre’s João Alfredo Gets a ‘Complete Streets’ Transformation
Photo Essay: After Successful Test, Porto Alegre’s João Alfredo Gets a ‘Complete Streets’ Transformation
In April 2019, Porto Alegre worked with WRI Brasil to implement the first segment of a tactical urbanism project that transformed a key intersection of busy João Alfredo Street, which runs through the heart of the Cidade Baixa neighborhood. The ...
At World Urban Forum, Renewed Urgency to Safeguard Vulnerable Communities
At World Urban Forum, Renewed Urgency to Safeguard Vulnerable Communities
“Acknowledgement, voice and the right to negotiate” – that’s what’s needed to bring the world’s urban poor back into the system and begin creating cities that work for everyone, said Sheela Patel, chair of Slum/Shack Dwellers International (SDI), at the 10th ...
Young People May Be Changing the World, But Too Many Are Being Left Behind
Young People May Be Changing the World, But Too Many Are Being Left Behind
Teenage activist Greta Thunberg has attracted global renown with her message to the world’s leaders that they must act now to address climate change. Time Magazine recently recognized her as the 2019 Person of the Year. But Thunberg’s recognition is ...
Act Locally, Learn Globally: Luis Bettencourt on Building from the Community Up
Act Locally, Learn Globally: Luis Bettencourt on Building from the Community Up
“Cities are special,” Luis Bettencourt says in an interview for the Cities Research Seminar Series, but they may only be beginning to tap into their full potential. We need to think about cities more as “collective systems that have their ...
Photo Essay: Porto Alegre Uses Tactical Urbanism to Transform João Alfredo Street
Photo Essay: Porto Alegre Uses Tactical Urbanism to Transform João Alfredo Street
Porto Alegre’s João Alfredo Street runs through the heart of the Cidade Baixa neighborhood and is known for its active nightlife, full of bar hoppers and club goers every evening. But during the day João Alfredo is almost empty, avoided ...
‘Socially Aware Planning’ Key to Building and Sustaining Communities
‘Socially Aware Planning’ Key to Building and Sustaining Communities
When Rani, a mother of five in Khulna, Bangladesh, found that the tea stall outside her home kept flooding, she didn’t wait for a government climate resilience program to swoop in. Like many people in urban communities facing the effects ...
Redesigning One of Mumbai’s Most Dangerous Intersections in 3 Simple Steps
Redesigning One of Mumbai’s Most Dangerous Intersections in 3 Simple Steps
 While India accounts for only 2 percent of global motor vehicles, it contributes over 12 percent of global road traffic deaths. Around 150,000 people lose their lives on India’s roads every year, making them some of the most dangerous ...
Design as Democracy: Barcelona’s ‘Carritos’ Encourage a More Inclusive Urbanism
Design as Democracy: Barcelona’s ‘Carritos’ Encourage a More Inclusive Urbanism
Community participation has become a checklist item for any major urban development project. But what does community participation actually mean? What would it look like if we flipped the responsibility of engagement from citizens to designers? What if, instead of ...
Fortaleza and São Paulo Experiment with Street Transformations
Fortaleza and São Paulo Experiment with Street Transformations
Who has the right to the city? While giving priority to pedestrians may seem obvious, many cities have been built around reliance on the automobile and now struggle to reclaim streets for pedestrians or fail to see the value in ...
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