Posts tagged with 'Bogota'
The Road to Zero-Emission Cities Goes Through Freight
The Road to Zero-Emission Cities Goes Through Freight
Left unchecked, urban freight will continue to be a major driver of the global climate crisis.
80% of Goods Start or End in Cities. It’s Time We Start Taking Urban Freight Seriously.
80% of Goods Start or End in Cities. It’s Time We Start Taking Urban Freight Seriously.
This is part one of our series on urban freight and achieving a “triple zero” bottom-line: zero emissions, zero road deaths and zero exclusion from core services and opportunities. A line of trucks files patiently into the Port of Shenzhen. ...
Latin America’s 17 Million Domestic Workers Need Better Transit. Direct Lines Can Help.
Latin America’s 17 Million Domestic Workers Need Better Transit. Direct Lines Can Help.
Like workers in many other sectors, hundreds of thousands of domestic workers have been fired from their jobs around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. But as economies have begun to reopen, many are returning to work, facing not only ...
What Path We Take Post-COVID-19 Will Depend in Large Part on How the World’s Cities Change
What Path We Take Post-COVID-19 Will Depend in Large Part on How the World’s Cities Change
This article was originally published on Global Dashboard, as part of their Scenarios Week series, exploring and expanding on Long Crisis Scenarios. For professional optimists like me in the business of advancing an alternative, more wholesome economic model, the temptation can ...
Colombia’s New National Urban Mobility Policy Is Mostly a Good Thing
Colombia’s New National Urban Mobility Policy Is Mostly a Good Thing
In the midst of COVID-19 precautions that have curtailed movement around the world, Colombia has released a new national road map for urban and regional mobility. It sends a powerful policy message that cities are saved by providing adequate access ...
6 Ways to Make City Streets Safer for Pedestrians
6 Ways to Make City Streets Safer for Pedestrians
For many city leaders, more cars and more highways mean better transportation. And during the current pandemic, fear of COVID-19’s spread is pushing some to turn to private vehicles. But a safe, sustainable transport future does not include further dependence ...
After the Crisis: How COVID-19 Can Drive Transformational Change in Cities
After the Crisis: How COVID-19 Can Drive Transformational Change in Cities
Across the world, from Wuhan to New York City, cities are on the frontline of the unfolding COVID-19 crisis. Starting with overwhelmed heath care systems, cities are experiencing unprecedented strain across social, economic and environmental systems as economies grind to ...
Biking Provides a Critical Lifeline During the Coronavirus Crisis
Biking Provides a Critical Lifeline During the Coronavirus Crisis
As the world works to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 3.9 billion people are under full or partial lockdown orders, as of mid-April. Cities have curtailed many public transit operations because of declining ridership and health ...
Bogotá Company Deploys 400 Free E-Bikes to Help Health Workers Respond to COVID-19
Bogotá Company Deploys 400 Free E-Bikes to Help Health Workers Respond to COVID-19
COVID-19 is shutting down urban transportation networks around the world. But to “flatten the curve” and save lives, critical frontline health workers still need to get to work. In Bogotá, Colombia, where the city has already experimented with providing emergency ...
COVID-19 Could Affect Cities for Years. Here Are 4 Ways They’re Coping Now.
COVID-19 Could Affect Cities for Years. Here Are 4 Ways They’re Coping Now.
The COVID-19 pandemic is laying bare two unavoidable facts about our new reality: we are more interconnected than ever, and cities are at the frontlines of this crisis and will be at the frontlines of any similarly globalized crisis in ...
New Study from Bogotá Shows How Women Experience Transport Differently
New Study from Bogotá Shows How Women Experience Transport Differently
Cities around the world are slowly realizing that gender dynamics play an important role in how people interact with transport systems. Taken as groups, women and men tend to have different travel patterns, different safety concerns, and even make different ...
From Vision to Action: Latin American & Caribbean Cities Ready for Paradigm Shift in Road Safety
From Vision to Action: Latin American & Caribbean Cities Ready for Paradigm Shift in Road Safety
Vision Zero has become a familiar term in urban mobility planning and road safety around the world. After starting in Sweden in the 1990s and being applied in Europe and the UK, the road safety strategy has recently increased in ...
Bogotá’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan Is Saving Lives
Bogotá’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan Is Saving Lives
Bogotá will soon have a new mayor, but new data suggests one of the current administration’s major policy priorities – making the streets safer for pedestrians and drivers – should be continued. Bogotá’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, launched in ...
5 National Transport Policies to Build Thriving Cities
5 National Transport Policies to Build Thriving Cities
Over the past 50 years, transport planners have tended to focus on reducing congestion to improve people’s mobility within cities. But increasing road capacity, vehicle speeds and parking spaces have not solved urban traffic. Building more roads and parking just ...
Raahgiri Is a Positive, Public Movement for Change
Raahgiri Is a Positive, Public Movement for Change
A couple of Sundays back, Haryana observed the first state-level Raahgiri in India. Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar personally came to the city of Hisar to participate in its official celebration with full state machinery. This was totally unthinkable when ...
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