Posts tagged with 'ambition'
What We Can Learn About Climate Action from British Cities
What We Can Learn About Climate Action from British Cities
As COP26 is in full swing in Glasgow, countries worldwide have failed to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement targets to limit global warming to 1.5°C. But cities are a bright spot. Many have developed climate action plans ...
5 Issues to Watch at Climate Week 2021
5 Issues to Watch at Climate Week 2021
World leaders are gathering in New York this week and next for the UN General Assembly meeting (UNGA76) and Climate Week. The two major events come at a critical moment for climate action. The world is facing an emergency. Nearly ...
3 Lessons from Hong Kong’s Fossil Fuel Vehicle Ban
3 Lessons from Hong Kong’s Fossil Fuel Vehicle Ban
In densely urbanized Hong Kong, transport is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, at 18%. Vehicle traffic is also a major source of toxic air pollutants like NOx, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide, accounting for 18%, 21% ...
4 Priorities for the COP25 Climate Conference in Madrid
4 Priorities for the COP25 Climate Conference in Madrid
It has been a tumultuous time for the UN climate talks. The mass protests against social inequality in Chile prompted the country to give up its plan to host COP25 just a month before the annual talks were scheduled to begin in December. But ...
The 3 Key Tasks for World Leaders at the UN Climate Action Summit
The 3 Key Tasks for World Leaders at the UN Climate Action Summit
World leaders will soon gather in New York City for a summit on an urgent challenge that affects every aspect of our lives, from the economy to jobs, security and migration and our health. It is, of course, the climate crisis. The tens of thousands of fires recently afflicting the ...
3 Issues to Watch at the COP24 Climate Summit
3 Issues to Watch at the COP24 Climate Summit
The UN climate summit in Katowice, Poland (COP24) is seen by many as the most important climate negotiation since 2015, when 196 countries created a vision for a zero-carbon future by adopting the landmark Paris Agreement. This year’s summit is the ...
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