Posts tagged with 'climate resilient'
3 Steps to Scaling Up Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation
3 Steps to Scaling Up Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation
In Indonesia, climate change is already a pernicious threat. More than 30 million people across northern Java suffer from coastal flooding and erosion related to more severe storms and sea level rise. In some places, entire villages and more than a mile ...
Faced with Relocation, the People of One Philippine City Designed Their Own Climate-Resilient Neighborhood
Faced with Relocation, the People of One Philippine City Designed Their Own Climate-Resilient Neighborhood
In Pasig City, Philippines, southeast of Manila, there’s an apartment complex with whitewashed walls and colorful trim. It’s an unassuming set of buildings, but a globally important one. The Manggahan Low Rise Building Project is a climate-resilient building, meant to ...
In Gorakhpur, India, Citizens Use Nature to Rein in Floods
In Gorakhpur, India, Citizens Use Nature to Rein in Floods
Monsoon season has always brought torrential downpours to Gorakhpur, India, but the city has seen record-breaking rainfall in the last few years. Residents of the northern Indian city often find their streets submerged in water, their houses waterlogged. Stagnant floodwaters ...
Local Communities Aren’t Just Climate Victims. They’re Climate Adaptation Leaders
Local Communities Aren’t Just Climate Victims. They’re Climate Adaptation Leaders
“Poor and vulnerable” is a common refrain in climate change stories. It’s a phrase used with good reason, to highlight how climate change disproportionately affects the disenfranchised. Economically, politically and socially vulnerable communities feel climate impacts first and hardest. They have fewer ...
Friday Fun: Adapting New York City for Rising Waters and “the Next Sandy”
Friday Fun: Adapting New York City for Rising Waters and “the Next Sandy”
If global temperatures rise by 2º Celsius, New York City (NYC) could lose up to 1.8 million of its residents. However, unlike other cities who are simply working to mitigate climate change, NYC is working to adapt its cityscape to ...
From developing bus rapid transit to improving public spaces, Belo Horizonte, Brazil is working to become a sustainable city. Photo by Eduardo Beltrame.
Seven ways Belo Horizonte, Brazil inspires sustainable cities
Belo Horizonte, Brazil is a city of remarkable cuisine, green spaces, and architecture. The city is increasingly designed using people-oriented urban development strategies that prioritize the people who make the city come alive. Even for outsiders, this state capital feels like ...
As the impacts of climate change intensify, cities can learn from best practices to become more resilient to climate impacts. Photo by Fede Cabrera/Flickr.
Three climate adaptation lessons from Brazil’s cities
Brazil’s cities, home to 85% of the country’s population, are already feeling the effects of climate change. Intense rains and floods in Rio de Janeiro are causing fatal landslides with high social and infrastructure costs. Temperatures are climbing to record-breaking highs in Porto ...
Cities contribute 70 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, despite accounting for only 2 percent of land use. The UN Climate Summit places cities high on the agenda for creating a sustainable, low-carbon future. Photo by ruimc77/Flickr.
The UN Climate Summit: What's in it for Cities?
City leaders have a key role to play at next week’s UN Climate Summit in New York City, which brings together heads of state, mayors, business leaders, and civil society representatives to build momentum towards an international agenda to tackle ...
Lagos struggles with congestion and insufficient mass transit, but a recent focus on sustainable transport can improve mobility and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Photo by G@tto Giallo/Flickr.
What does the future of sustainable transport look like in Lagos?
Lagos – the largest city and commercial capital of Nigeria – has traditionally struggled with a lack of reliable mass transit systems and severe traffic congestion. The average Lagos commuter spends over three hours in traffic every day. More recently, ...
Mexico City’s new mobility law prioritizes alternatives to car transport. Photo by karmacamilleeon/Flickr.
Mexico City’s new mobility law shifts focus towards people, not cars
Sustainable mobility is a key challenge for city leaders. Mexico City – the world’s fourth most populous city, with more than 20 million inhabitants in its metropolitan area – is no different. The city must overcome a long history of urban ...
Mumbai, India and Smart Cities
Three key themes from the Bonn climate talks
Editor’s note: Two weeks ago, TheCityFix wrote about the need to include urban mobility as a core tenet of the Bonn climate talks. Cities are the arena in which the regulations formulated at Bonn, and passed at COP 21 in ...
The Buriganga River in the Bangladeshi city of Dhaka provides transport for the city---yet reminds Dhaka's residents of the need to build resiliency into the city as water levels rise. Photo by William Veerbeek/Flickr.
Pitfalls and potential: Climate change vulnerability in Dhaka, Bangladesh
According to the United Nations, temperatures are likely to warm anywhere from 3 to 6 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100, and scientists warn that “the world is ill-equipped to deal with the impacts of warming.” To help the lives impacted by ...
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