Posts tagged with 'climate resilient'
5 Key Transport Challenges Facing Developing Countries and What to Do About Them
5 Key Transport Challenges Facing Developing Countries and What to Do About Them
Transportation is a crucial enabler of economic development, providing people access to markets, employment, education, and health services. In addition to these development benefits, improving transport systems by making them cleaner, safer, more inclusive and more resilient accelerates climate action ...
5 Priorities for Urban Climate Action in 2023 and Beyond
5 Priorities for Urban Climate Action in 2023 and Beyond
We now have less than seven years to cut emissions in half in order to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees C, the limit scientists say is necessary for averting some of the most dangerous climate impacts. 2022 saw flooding, drought and severe ...
The Power of Multistakeholder Collaboration in Creating More Equitable and Sustainable Cities
The Power of Multistakeholder Collaboration in Creating More Equitable and Sustainable Cities
The latest UN climate conference, COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, was a significant one for cities in many respects. Delegates established a new fund to help vulnerable countries deal with loss and damages from climate impacts, and some of ...
An Innovative Jobs Program in Odisha, India Helped Informal Workers Through COVID-19 and Beyond
An Innovative Jobs Program in Odisha, India Helped Informal Workers Through COVID-19 and Beyond
When India’s federal government announced a public health lockdown on March 24, 2022 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it generated desperate scenes. Economic activity ground to a halt. Millions of migrant workers traveled back to their home states. In ...
US Infrastructure Bill Makes Headway on Climate, But More is Needed
US Infrastructure Bill Makes Headway on Climate, But More is Needed
Unprecedented extreme weather events have taken a heavy toll on people and communities across the United States, with loss of life and impacts on livelihoods that cannot be quantified. These events have also cost U.S. taxpayers $99 billion in damages last year ...
In Ahmedabad, India, Women Are Climate Leaders, Not Victims
In Ahmedabad, India, Women Are Climate Leaders, Not Victims
During the summers, in the crowded informal settlement she calls home in Ahmedabad, India, Meenaben would lay wet jute on the floor and hay on the roof of her home to lower the temperature inside. If she didn’t, her home ...
7 Proven Ways City Leaders Can Work Better Together to Create Resilient Cities
7 Proven Ways City Leaders Can Work Better Together to Create Resilient Cities
In cities around the world, local officials face multi-dimensional sustainability and resilience challenges and are often responsible for achieving many overlapping mandates. More effective solutions require cross-cutting responses and collaboration across multiple levels of government and sectors. New research reveals ...
3 Shifts to Advance Adaptation and Resilience in 2021
3 Shifts to Advance Adaptation and Resilience in 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic did not break the world, but rather revealed a world already broken. COVID-19 and the climate crisis exposed the fragility of economies and societies, upending the lives of people worldwide and, in particular, harming vulnerable communities and countries already facing ...
5 Big Ideas to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality in Cities
5 Big Ideas to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality in Cities
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sustainable Food Production for a Resilient Rosario won the 2020-2021 Prize for Cities on June 29, 2021. Learn more here. (June 29, 2021) City life can be deeply unfair. This was true before the COVID-19 pandemic exposed just how ...
5 Keys to a Climate-Resilient Recovery After COVID-19
5 Keys to a Climate-Resilient Recovery After COVID-19
The climate change crisis continues to create unprecedented risk for humanity. Extreme weather threatens food security, increases poverty and inequality and contributes to the spread of disease. Now, also faced with the economic fallout from COVID-19, billions of people are struggling to ...
Urban Sanitation Is a Climate and Economic Issue Too
Urban Sanitation Is a Climate and Economic Issue Too
Along the Ngong River in Mukuru, one of Nairobi’s slum neighborhoods and home to more than 100,000 people, residents face a dual threat when the rains come. First, the river rises, flooding into streets and houses. Then the water reaches ...
Daring Cities’ Final Session Balances Inspiring Examples with Challenges Ahead
Daring Cities’ Final Session Balances Inspiring Examples with Challenges Ahead
It was a contrast of opportunities and challenges confronting cities around the world highlighted at the Daring Cities forum’s final session on October 28, the culmination of three weeks, 400 speakers and 200 hours of dialogue and knowledge exchange. Mayor ...
As the UN Turns 75, Countries Should Embrace a Shared Vision of a Fairer, Safer and More Sustainable Future
As the UN Turns 75, Countries Should Embrace a Shared Vision of a Fairer, Safer and More Sustainable Future
This year is the 75th anniversary of the United Nations – an institution created in the wake of World War II, when the world was looking to emerge from a tragic era filled with conflict and political and economic turmoil. ...
Collaboration on Nature-Based Solutions Is Key to Resilient City Infrastructure
Collaboration on Nature-Based Solutions Is Key to Resilient City Infrastructure
Capital City, a (hypothetical) seaside metropolis, has a growing population. However, much of its infrastructure was built 100 years ago and is straining from deferred maintenance, unable to meet the city’s future needs. To make matters worse, Capital City has ...
3 Ways US Cities Are Investing in Clean Energy for Resilience
3 Ways US Cities Are Investing in Clean Energy for Resilience
By 2030, more than 145 million people across the world will be impacted by flooding each year – many of whom live in coastal areas of the United States. Wildfires are growing rapidly in areas of the U.S. where they once were ...
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