Posts tagged with 'children'
Low-Speed Zones Save Lives. How Do You Design an Effective One?
Low-Speed Zones Save Lives. How Do You Design an Effective One?
As the COVID-19 pandemic has altered urban landscapes and pushed many people toward active mobility, there’s increased urgency to make roads safer for walking and cycling. Many cities are now tasked with protecting more vulnerable users in addition to creating ...
Electrifying the School Bus Fleet: How to Put Children First in the Zero-emission Transition
Electrifying the School Bus Fleet: How to Put Children First in the Zero-emission Transition
The past year has been all about protecting ourselves and our children from a serious respiratory illness: COVID-19. But as schools reopen and children return to in-person classrooms, many kids will spend part of every day in a toxic environment that causes harm to ...
Building Political Will to Act on Road Safety
Building Political Will to Act on Road Safety
Since its beginning in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has become a global movement to prevent road fatalities and serious injuries by undertaking a Safe System approach to road safety. But despite the documented successes of the approach in ...
What Makes a Child-Friendly City? Redesigning Safer and Healthier Urban Spaces for Young People
What Makes a Child-Friendly City? Redesigning Safer and Healthier Urban Spaces for Young People
Children are often under-prioritized or even disregarded in urban planning and design. It’s estimated that up to 500 children die daily in road crashes around the world; thousands more incur injuries and psychological trauma from collisions with vehicles that can ...
Gurugram’s Youth: Give Us Safer Streets
Gurugram’s Youth: Give Us Safer Streets
India accounts for almost 12% of the 1.35 million road fatalities worldwide. But this public health crisis does not affect everyone equally. Children and young people are at heightened risk. In fact, road crashes are the most common cause of ...
6 Ways to Make City Streets Safer for Pedestrians
6 Ways to Make City Streets Safer for Pedestrians
For many city leaders, more cars and more highways mean better transportation. And during the current pandemic, fear of COVID-19’s spread is pushing some to turn to private vehicles. But a safe, sustainable transport future does not include further dependence ...
Young People May Be Changing the World, But Too Many Are Being Left Behind
Young People May Be Changing the World, But Too Many Are Being Left Behind
Teenage activist Greta Thunberg has attracted global renown with her message to the world’s leaders that they must act now to address climate change. Time Magazine recently recognized her as the 2019 Person of the Year. But Thunberg’s recognition is ...
PODCAST: A Mother for Road Safety with Zoleka Mandela
PODCAST: A Mother for Road Safety with Zoleka Mandela
At the annual Transforming Transportation conference this month, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities launched the new Vision Zero Challenge, an initiative to end road deaths by a coalition of global and local partners. Zoleka Mandela, who spoke at the ...
Q&A: How Bogotá is Harnessing Leadership to Redefine Road Safety and Save Lives
Q&A: How Bogotá is Harnessing Leadership to Redefine Road Safety and Save Lives
This week, the United Nations celebrates the fifth iteration of its Global Road Safety Week with the theme of leadership. The topic highlights the role that elected leaders have in enforcing and implementing road safety goals at the national and ...
One Woman Saves Kids’ Lives by Redesigning the Roads They Walk: Q&A with Ayikai Poswayo
One Woman Saves Kids’ Lives by Redesigning the Roads They Walk: Q&A with Ayikai Poswayo
Some schools in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, see more than a dozen of their students injured or killed in road crashes every year. Haphazard development in the nation’s capital paired with a growing number of vehicles have created dangerous conditions ...
Urban Transformations: In Tanzania’s Capital, Safer Children Mean Better Neighborhoods
Urban Transformations: In Tanzania’s Capital, Safer Children Mean Better Neighborhoods
 SARSAI is a finalist for the WRI Ross Prize for Cities. Chaos often reigns on the streets of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s capital. Minivans, cars and motorcycles careen along half-finished roads without markings, sidewalks or traffic lights. Pedestrians walk ...
Why We Need a Summit on Youth Urban Road Safety
Why We Need a Summit on Youth Urban Road Safety
Our cities are rapidly expanding, and with them motorization is increasing at an unchecked pace. Unless the global community takes meaningful strides to address the impact of these trends on the most vulnerable in our society, we will be met ...
Friday Fun: Cities Around the World Celebrate International Walk to School Day
Friday Fun: Cities Around the World Celebrate International Walk to School Day
This past Wednesday (October 7) marked the celebration of the fifteenth annual International Walk to School Day. Schools in more than 40 countries across the globe participated in the event—including the U.S., Turkey, Brazil and China—encouraging students to walk with ...
Seoul, Korea Children's Road Safety
Designing Safer Cities for Children
When you consider the global statistics, it’s no surprise that this year’s U.N. Global Road Safety Week focuses on children’s safety.  According to a 2008 World Health Organization (WHO) report, 21 percent of all road traffic-related fatalities worldwide were among ...
Ani Dasgupta and Jan Gehl
Making Cities Safer by Design: a Conversation with Jan Gehl and Ani Dasgupta
This week is the third UN Global Road Safety week, and the theme is saving children’s lives on roads worldwide. TheCityFix had the chance to sit down with Jan Gehl, renowned architect and urban designer, and Ani Dasgupta, Global Director ...
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