Posts tagged with 'bus rapid transit (BRT)'
More on Ahmedabad’s Janmarg BRT: Accessibility and Signage
More on Ahmedabad’s Janmarg BRT: Accessibility and Signage
Last week, Prajna Rao, a transport planner at the Centre for Sustainable Transport in India (a member of the EMBARQ Network, which produces this blog), posted a photographic tour of Ahmedabad’s new bus rapid transit (BRT) system, known as Janmarg. ...
Johannesburg Rolls Out New BRT Routes Against Odds
Johannesburg Rolls Out New BRT Routes Against Odds
On Monday, despite a two-week delay, violent opposition, vandalism and a minibus taxi strike, Johannesburg successfully rolled out new Rea Vaya BRT routes in the Soweto township. As we reported previously, South Africa’s first BRT system began a starter service ...
A Photographic Tour of Ahmedabad's Janmarg BRT System
A Photographic Tour of Ahmedabad's Janmarg BRT System
Prajna Rao is a transport planner at the Centre for Sustainable Transport in India (CST-India), a member of the EMBARQ Network, which produces this blog. She provides a photographic overview of Ahmedabad’s new BRT system, known as Janmarg, which has ...
Bus Lanes Can Cut Mumbai's Congestion, Study Says
Bus Lanes Can Cut Mumbai's Congestion, Study Says
Cars take up more space on Mumbai’s roads than buses and carry fewer passengers, says a recently released study. What’s more, a mere 10-20% increase in the number of buses along with designated bus lanes can make a serious dent ...
Five Months of Ahmedabad’s Janmarg: Setting the Standard for BRT in India
Five Months of Ahmedabad’s Janmarg: Setting the Standard for BRT in India
Ahmedabad has set a new standard for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in India. That was the consensus at a recent capacity-building workshop educating other city officials about the planning and implementation of the local BRT. The five-month old system, popularly ...
BRT Lurching Ahead in India
BRT Lurching Ahead in India
Last Friday, sustainable transport advocates came a step closer to gaining widespread support for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in India when Bangalore officials announced that the government will move ahead with the implementation of the city’s proposed BRT system.  Dr. ...
BRT in Montgomery County: Lessons from Curitiba
BRT in Montgomery County: Lessons from Curitiba
Montgomery County Councilmember George Leventhal wrote a post for Maryland Politics Watch about his recent trip to Curitiba, Brazil, where he learned about bus rapid transit, since Montgomery County is exploring BRT as a transit option for its residents. (Recently, ...
BRT vs. Light Rail: Urban Transit Debate Plays Out
BRT vs. Light Rail: Urban Transit Debate Plays Out
One of the hottest transportation debates in the region these days relates to the proposed Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT). The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) envisions a 14-mile transit link roughly following I-270 from the Shady Grove Metro station in Gaithersburg  ...
DDOT Presents Expanded Streetcar Concept
DDOT Presents Expanded Streetcar Concept
Transit vehicles purchased and stored in the Czech Republic, an unresolved controversy over a 120-year-old federal law prohibiting overhead wires in the historic L’Enfant City, and tracks already being laid along H Street NE and in Anacostia… As it stands, ...
Rea Vaya On the Move in Joburg, South Africa
Rea Vaya On the Move in Joburg, South Africa
The City of Johannesburg launched Rea Vaya, South Africa’s first bus rapid transit (BRT) system, on August 30, and by early October the system was reportedly carrying approximately 12,000 daily passengers along the 25 kilometer route between Soweto and downtown ...
Ahmedabad’s Janmarg: Changing the Game for BRT Systems in India
Ahmedabad’s Janmarg: Changing the Game for BRT Systems in India
As a result of the systematic and complete consideration of all the dimensions of a full bus rapid transit (BRT) system, Janmarg is in the process of being “a high quality public transport system, oriented to the user that offers fast, comfortable and low cost urban mobility.” It can quickly become a "best practice" of BRT system implementation in South Asia.
Is There Evidence Against BRT Sparking Development?
Is There Evidence Against BRT Sparking Development?
This is a serious question, but can any of the folks who get so upset with arguments for BRT point me to any resources showing that high-investment BRT—Bogota, not Houston—with physically separated right-of-ways and permanent-seeming stations and the rest, do ...
Yes, We Can Learn From The Developing World; or, Keeping an Open Mind About BRT
Yes, We Can Learn From The Developing World; or, Keeping an Open Mind About BRT
I hate to do another round on BRT with The Overhead Wire, but I can’t help myself. It’s an important discussion, particularly with BRT gaining momentum in D.C. The latest discussion started with Streetsblog making what seems like a very ...
Everything You Wanted to Know About Bogota's Transformation
Everything You Wanted to Know About Bogota's Transformation
As a Bogotano, I’m always excited to hear and see good things from my own city. This video happens to be a crash course in how the city transformed itself in a short time, with great images of what happened ...
NYT on BRT: Great to See, A Bit Disappointing to Read
NYT on BRT: Great to See, A Bit Disappointing to Read
For a BRT advocate, it was really exciting to wake up this morning to a front-page, above-the-fold article in the New York Times, with Transmilenio as the central picture. Reading Elisabeth Rosenthal’s article, though, I must say that there were ...
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