Posts tagged with 'urbanization'
"On The Tram." Photo by Melissa Maples/Flickr.
Challenges and opportunities come with Turkey’s urban boom
Turkey’s urban population has grown from 25% of its total population in the 1950s to 77% today – a figure well above its global counterpart of 52%. In a little more than half a century, rapid urbanization has transformed the ...
Old Delhi auto-rickshaw. Photo by Larry Johnson.
Rickshaw Rising Challenge: Revolutionizing urban mobility in India
Do you have a business solution that has the potential to deliver large-scale improvements in quality of service, access, safety, environmental impact, and livelihoods in India’s auto-rickshaw sector? The Rickshaw Rising Challenge is calling for applications from Indian business endeavors that have ...
Crowded street in New Delhi, India
Why developing countries need sustainable transport: Q&A with Dr. V. Setty Pendakur, Part I
Here at TheCityFix, we emphasize the importance of sustainable urban transport and improved urban development every day. Recently, I had the immense pleasure of speaking with an esteemed individual who reminded me, very articulately, why sustainable transport is so crucial ...
The unrealized potential of parklets
The unrealized potential of parklets
Over the next few decades, urban areas across the world are projected to experience exponential population growth. In the U.S., Census information shows that the largest cities, those with a population of over half a million, grew more in the ...
Alternative currencies have potential to help developing cities.
Utavi: On community development, urbanization, and digital currencies
Alternative currencies have the potential to catalyze community development in rapidly urbanizing areas. Photo by Angela Sevin. About the author: Raj Ramamurti is the founder and CEO of Utavi, a digital startup focused on alternative digital currency. He has more ...
Singapore Mass Rapid Transit system (MRT). By williamcho.
Sustainable transport finance: thinking nationally and locally
The world, and Asia in particular, is heading in the wrong direction Asia is rapidly urbanizing, creating localized stress on the transport system. In 2011, for the first time in history, more Chinese lived in urban centers than rural areas ...
Be a part of Transforming Transportation 2013.
Register Today! Transforming Transportation 2013
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for Transforming Transportation. EMBARQ and the World Bank will co-host the tenth annual Transforming Transportation conference at the World Bank in Washington, D.C.. There is more work to be done ...
Friday Fun: Ending the Weekly Commute with Music
Friday Fun: Ending the Weekly Commute with Music
Commuting can be arduous, whether you are one of those souls stuck in traffic, on a bus, or in a train after that second underground transfer -or for that matter, when you are 20 minutes away in the wrong way ...
Research Recap, September 6: Asia Motorization, Transit Hubs, Pacific Northwest Gas Consumption
Research Recap, September 6: Asia Motorization, Transit Hubs, Pacific Northwest Gas Consumption
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Asia Motorization The Asian Development Bank released its 43rd annual report tracking sustainability data and practices ...
Upcoming Event: World Urban Forum
Upcoming Event: World Urban Forum
The Sixth Session of the World Urban Forum, jointly organized by UN-Habitat, will take place in Naples, Italy beginning this Saturday. The event, sponsored by the National Government of Italy, the Campania Region and the City of Naples, will highlight ...
2012 Environmental Film Festival Showcases Urban Sustainability
2012 Environmental Film Festival Showcases Urban Sustainability
The Environmental Film Festival will take place on March 13-25 in Washington, D.C. This year, the film festival is celebrating 20 years of advancing environmental understanding through the power of film. Since its inauguration in 1993, the film festival has ...
Research Recap, March 5: Metropolis Evaluation, Transport Revitalization, Forecasting Urbanization
Research Recap, March 5: Metropolis Evaluation, Transport Revitalization, Forecasting Urbanization
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Zipcar’s Future Metropolis Index Last week, Zipcar unveiled its Future Metropolis Index, which measures and ranks ...
Bordeaux Unveils the "Ideal City Bike"
Bordeaux Unveils the "Ideal City Bike"
It looks like Bordeaux, France will be the next city to have its custom-designed bike for its bike-share program. Philippe Starck, a French product designer, unveiled the final rendering of the “ideal city bike” with Mayor of Bordeaux Alain Juppe ...
Urban Population Now a Majority in China
Urban Population Now a Majority in China
Last year marked the first time in China’s history when the urban population exceeded the rural population, according to the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics. In 1949, 10 percent of China’s population lived in cities. Today, it’s 51 percent. According ...
OpenIDEO: Online Collaboration for Urban Innovation
OpenIDEO: Online Collaboration for Urban Innovation
If you have ever found yourself pondering solutions to the world’s biggest problems, you will be relieved to learn that there is now an online platform where you can share your ideas and connect with like-minded thinkers. OpenIDEO is an ...
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