Posts tagged with 'urbanization'
The Number of People Affected by Floods Will Double by 2030
The Number of People Affected by Floods Will Double by 2030
Flooding has already caused more than $1 trillion in losses globally since 1980, and the situation is poised to worsen: New analysis from WRI’s Aqueduct Floods finds that the number of people affected by floods will double worldwide by 2030. According to data from ...
Coastal Flooding Impacts Millions of People. Urban Expansion Makes the Risk Worse.
Coastal Flooding Impacts Millions of People. Urban Expansion Makes the Risk Worse.
Among cities with the highest rates of outward expansion are coastal cities that are extremely vulnerable to flooding from sea level rise and storm surges. Map by Resource Watch Urban expansion and sea level rise are combining to increase the ...
Closing Sub-Saharan Africa’s Electricity Access Gap: Why Cities Must Be Part of the Solution
Closing Sub-Saharan Africa’s Electricity Access Gap: Why Cities Must Be Part of the Solution
There’s both good and bad news from the latest report tracking progress on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7, a global goal to achieve universal access to energy by 2030. The good news: The number of people without electricity access globally has dropped, ...
How the SALURBAL Project Is Shining a Spotlight on Urban Health Inequality in Latin America
How the SALURBAL Project Is Shining a Spotlight on Urban Health Inequality in Latin America
The narrative about global inequality and poverty often focuses on rural areas in the global south, with a heavy emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. But the reality is that poverty is becoming more concentrated in cities across the ...
India's Environmental Challenges in 10 Images
India’s Environmental Challenges in 10 Images
The last two decades have seen a rampant rise in environmental challenges being faced by cities and countries globally. In India, too, challenges related to air pollution, waste management, scarcity of water, conservation of natural resources, and loss of biodiversity, ...
Mapping the Impacts of Urban Growth: Outward vs. Upward in São Paulo and Addis Ababa
Mapping the Impacts of Urban Growth: Outward vs. Upward in São Paulo and Addis Ababa
Cities can choose how they grow by directing investment and policies in specific ways. Those cities that have more upward growth relative to outward growth, for example, are better able to provide services and opportunities to their residents because development ...
What It Will Take for Startups to Spearhead Innovation to Transform Urban India
What It Will Take for Startups to Spearhead Innovation to Transform Urban India
TheCityFix Labs India, supported by Citi Foundation, drives market transition toward sustainable investments through knowledge-sharing, capacity-building and technical assistance. Of 100 applications, the Labs recently selected a cohort of 10 projects to mentor and bring to fruition.   Set to ...
Too Many Cities Are Growing Out Rather Than Up. Three Reasons That’s a Problem.
Too Many Cities Are Growing Out Rather Than Up. Three Reasons That’s a Problem.
Imagine Lagos, Nigeria, a city of 22 million. What was once a small coastal town just a few decades ago has exploded into a sprawling megacity spanning 452 square miles. Its rapid growth has stretched the city’s services impossibly thin: ...
Africa's Urban Future: The Policy Agenda for National Governments
Africa’s Urban Future: The Policy Agenda for National Governments
Sustainable economic development in sub-Saharan Africa will only be possible if towns and cities across the region thrive. This column highlights the critical role that national governments need to play in guiding the urban transition. National Urban Policies can help ...
No, 8 in 10 People Don’t Live in Urban Areas. Not Yet.
No, 8 in 10 People Don’t Live in Urban Areas. Not Yet.
Most people now live in cities and cities are growing rapidly. We are living in the midst of the urbanization age, an age that started in earnest at the beginning of the 19th century, when people first decided en masse ...
Amazon’s Challenge Shows Importance of Good Transit for Cities
Amazon’s recent announcement that it is seeking to build a second headquarters in a major North American city has sent cities from Los Angeles, to Chicago, to Toronto scrambling to outbid each other in an attempt to woo the corporate ...
Harnessing Tanzania’s Explosive Urbanization Requires Central Support for Local Goals
Harnessing Tanzania’s Explosive Urbanization Requires Central Support for Local Goals
Tanzania is undergoing a remarkable transformation. Its urban population is projected to grow from less than 15 million people in 2012 to more than 60 million people by mid-century. Most of this growth will take place in Dar es Salaam, ...
Live from Habitat III: The New Urban Agenda, Urbanization and the Role of Local Government Drive Opening Plenary Sessions
Live from Habitat III: The New Urban Agenda, Urbanization and the Role of Local Government Drive Opening Plenary Sessions
WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities is reporting on Habitat III from Quito, Ecuador. Follow our daily coverage on TheCityFix. Habitat III, the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, officially began on Monday, October 17th in Quito. Members of the ...
Urban Planning “Games”: A Novel Approach to an Old Problem
Urban Planning “Games”: A Novel Approach to an Old Problem
How do you liven up discussions around urban planning, get participants thinking outside of the box and get people to take a holistic and inclusive approach to community planning? Why not try a game? Games are emerging as a useful ...
Managing Diversity and Affordability to Make Cities More Livable
Managing Diversity and Affordability to Make Cities More Livable
How livable a community is depends on many factors like affordability, health, safety, connectivity, infrastructure and services. As cities around the world grow, urbanization can often threaten a city’s livability by causing land prices and housing costs to rise. Moreover, ...
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