Posts tagged with 'road safety'
New Rules of the Road in Mexico City
New Rules of the Road in Mexico City
This week, Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera celebrated the Day of the Pedestrian by announcing strong new policies to reduce speed limits and to increase penalties for dangerous driving. In doing so, he ushered in a new era of traffic safety ...
Designing Safer Cities in India: Reducing Speed and Protecting Pedestrians
Designing Safer Cities in India: Reducing Speed and Protecting Pedestrians
Over 140,000 people lost their lives on our roads last year, giving India the dubious distinction of having the highest number of road accident victims in the world. As our country continues to motorize exponentially, this problem will only grow—unless ...
Friday Fun: How Drones Are Mapping Cities and Improving Road Safety
Friday Fun: How Drones Are Mapping Cities and Improving Road Safety
A few days ago (July 28-30), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) met in California to discuss the future of personal and commercial drone use. NASA’s eagerness to deliberate on drones comes as a response to rising drone use ...
Five Lessons for Making Bike Share a Success in India
Five Lessons for Making Bike Share a Success in India
Public Bicycle Sharing (PBS), or bike share, as it is more popularly known, was first introduced in Amsterdam in 1965. While the concept spread to various European cities, it remained largely experimental in nature and small in scale. It wasn’t ...
Friday Fun: Using Virtual Reality to Create Safer Drivers
Friday Fun: Using Virtual Reality to Create Safer Drivers
Talking about virtual reality (VR) often calls to mind movies like The Matrix or futuristic video games—however, VR is also proving to be an unlikely ally in the fight to make roads safer in cities everywhere. The World Health Organization warns ...
How to Make Cities Safer by Design
How to Make Cities Safer by Design
Traffic crashes claim more than 1.2 million each year, and will be the world’s fifth-largest cause of death by 2030 unless we improve road safety. The impact of these crashes falls disproportionally on cities in the developing world, with 90 ...
7 Proven Principles for Designing a Safer City
7 Proven Principles for Designing a Safer City
Traffic accidents kill more than 1.2 million people every year, nearly the same amount that die from HIV/AIDS. But there’s an undervalued approach to making the world’s roads safer—good urban design. While most traffic safety initiatives tend to focus on ...
How Istanbul Improved Air Quality by Putting Pedestrians First
How Istanbul Improved Air Quality by Putting Pedestrians First
Motorized vehicle emissions are a primary cause of air pollution and yield some of the most adverse impacts on public health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to heavy traffic—even living near a major road—harms health and increases ...
China’s Pedestrianization: Reviving a Tradition of Walking for Healthier Cities
China’s Pedestrianization: Reviving a Tradition of Walking for Healthier Cities
Pedestrian-oriented streets not only are safer, improve air quality, and encourage physical activity, but also facilitate commercial and social activity. Although China has rapidly urbanized in the past few decades, many cities across the country are still not easily walkable. According ...
Mobile Apps for Cycling
Friday Fun: A Wave of New Smartphone Apps Makes Cycling Undeniably Easy
With the growing number of smart phone users and urban cyclists, the rise of mobile apps for bikers should come as no surprise. These innovations can be used in myriad ways—from navigating maps to submitting pictures of local potholes in ...
Inclusive Raahgiri Featured
In Photos: Raahgiri Day Making A Difference for Youth with Disabilities
Launched in Gurgaon, India in 2013, Raahgiri Day closes down city streets to cars, bringing people of all ages out to walk, bike, make music, and socialize. Recently, India’s Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, along with the Municipal Corporation ...
Pedestrians walk along Rua XV in Curitaba, Brazil. Photo by Dylan Passmore/Flickr.
How “Eyes on the Street” Contribute to Public Safety
Nossa Cidade (“Our City”), from TheCityFix Brasil, explores critical questions for building more sustainable cities. Every month features a new theme. Leaning on the expertise of researchers and specialists in WRI’s sustainable urban mobility team in Brazil, the series will feature in ...
Vision Zero Safety by Design
Why the Opportunity is now to Save Lives through Vision Zero
In cities worldwide, millions of people step out their homes every day to go to work, to attend school, to see a doctor, or to visit family and friends. However, in many of these cities, commuting is becoming increasingly difficult ...
Road Safety in Singapore
Friday Fun: Are Driverless Cars a Solution for Road Safety?
Each year, millions of people die from traffic accidents on roads worldwide. As city leaders take action globally to improve road safety, some innovators have begun to address one of the major causes of traffic accidents, human error, by exploring self-driving ...
Bangalore TDM India
When it Comes to Reducing Car Congestion, India’s Cities Can Learn from its Businesses
A century of car-centric urban development has left our cities polluted, congested, and searching for sustainable solutions. Transport Demand Management (TDM) strategies can provide these solutions by combining public policy and private sector innovation to reverse over-reliance on private cars. ...
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