Posts tagged with 'Asia'
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Asia Motorization The Asian Development Bank released its 43rd annual report tracking sustainability data and practices ...
The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, along with CEPT University, is launching the Asia BRTS Conference to be held on September 6-8, 2012, with the goal of improving knowledge, sharing experiences and advancing the concept of bus rapid transit (BRT) in India and across Asia. ...
EMBARQ India Urban Transport Associate Umang Jain contributed to this post. On February 23, 2011, India witnessed the launch of the Delhi Airport Metro Express (DAME), a first-of-its-kind metro rail service connecting New Delhi Railway Station (Central Delhi) to Indira ...
In India, the Gujarat High Court has ordered the state government to convert all public and private vehicles registered in the state to compressed natural gas (CNG) within one year. From the court’s order: “State is directed to pass necessary ...
It seems a week can’t go by without at least one person giving me a surprised look, stammering, “You ride the local?” They’re referring to my choice to ride Mumbai’s local train system every morning. Like many places, there’s a ...
Parts of this post originally appeared as an editorial in the The Wall Street Journal’s India Real Time on Monday August 13, 2012. Dario Hidalgo and Madhav Pai, the authors of the editorial, are senior staff with EMBARQ, the producer of this blog. ...
Thanks to, I’ve come across a great video from the Mexican office of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. It nicely sums up in less than four minutes the glaring and basic problem with non-integrated and car-centered design. ...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB), along with the Philippine Department of Energy, has begun implementing a plan to introduce as many as 100,000 electric tricycles to the streets of the Philippines by 2020. Tricycles, smoke-belching and inexpensive three-wheeled vehicles found ...
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Government Efficiency For the Future The American Clean Skies Foundation has found that government owned, government ...
Transit agencies have found a new way to sell ad space on the local bus-through the air. Buses in Seoul disseminated the scent of coffee each time a Dunkin’ Donuts advertisement was played on the bus’s speakers. The coffee-like scent ...
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Olympian Carbon Reductions The National Center for Atmospheric Research, a body of the U.S. National Science ...
While scaling up sustainable transportation solutions worldwide, it’s important that we still consider the reality of personal automobile demand. Tackling the lower-hanging fruit of vehicular emissions reductions in densely populated developing countries is critical for mitigating climate change and improving ...
Co-written by Sushant Sudhir. This blog post is a part of the catalyzing new mobility program and receives support from The Rockefeller Foundation. Public bicycle sharing (PBS) is an innovative platform comprising short-term bicycle rental schemes in which bicycles can ...
Delhi is a city of 7 million registered motor vehicles, more than the number of vehicles in India’s three other major cities–Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai–combined. The city grapples with the all-too-familiar urban problems of traffic congestion, pollution and crashes. In ...
BRT Increases Density The Study Group for Urban and Regional Sustainability (SUR), part of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of the Andes in Bogota, Colombia found that bus rapid transit (BRT) accounts for Bogota’s increased density. ...
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