Posts tagged with 'public transportation'
Daily commutes via car have evolved into more than mere trips – they greatly influence both our mental and physical well-being. Research shows that relentless car journeys don’t just occupy our time, they significantly shape our mood and overall outlook ...
Research around the world shows that pollution levels can vary enormously within the same city and even within the same neighborhood. Local monitoring data can thus prove essential to understanding air pollution sources, how they affect different communities and groups, ...
Do informal transport networks in African cities provide equitable services for everyone that needs them? Unsurprisingly, the answer is often no. Operators frequently prefer to drive the safest and most central routes, inadvertently prioritizing commuters traveling to formal jobs in ...
On a Sunday afternoon in September 2023, a group of about 30 individuals, including a group of mostly female neighbors from nine kampungs (a common term for “urban villages” or “informal settlements” across multiple languages and nations in Southeast Asia) ...
Mexico became the first nation to declare access to safe mobility a human right in 2020 and two years later passed the General Law of Mobility and Road Safety to protect people, reduce collisions and promote sustainable modes of travel. Now, with this new ...
At COP28, global climate leaders congregated in Dubai for the annual opportunity to review countries’ progress on emissions reductions and to increase climate ambition. One of the conference’s focal points was how to rapidly and equitably transition away from fossil ...
The adoption of any new technology involves some degree of adaptation, and battery electric buses (e-buses) are no exception. After decades of experience with diesel vehicles, cities and operators need to understand the technical and operational specifications of e-buses to ...
If a picture can tell a whole story, then the image below of an intersection in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, shows the past, present and future of global transformation in the transport sector. During Transforming Transportation 2024, which focused on ...
Since the mid-2010s, cities around the globe have witnessed the explosion of free-floating electric bikes, mopeds and scooters on their streets. NUMO, the New Urban Mobility alliance, began tracking this phenomenon in 2019 with the New Mobility Atlas. Between 2019 and ...
Urban development in many cities around the world prioritizes making space for cars over pedestrians, cyclists or public transportation. In Brazil, this design led to an average of more than 30,000 annual road crash fatalities nationwide by the turn of the century, ...
For a woman living in an African city, public transport can be a daunting experience. Women usually plan their trips in advance, and consider a multitude of factors before setting out: What is the safest way to reach the bus ...
Although it is widely recognized that gender disparities are echoed in the design and operation of urban transportation systems, gender-responsive transportation planning is still in its early stages. Drawing from the TOPUK project, which stands for “Women Accessing Public Transport,” ...
With over half of the world’s population living in cities, urban spaces not only house us but offer opportunities for collective work and learning while serving as sources of creativity, inspiration and hope. Nevertheless, cities also account for a staggering ...
The issue of Delhi’s poor air quality resurfaces periodically in public consciousness. It garners attention on social media, in newspapers and in scientific studies, largely during winter months. During this period, Delhi’s air quality index drops from “poor” to “severe” ...
By David Waskow, Jennifer Layke, Nate Warszawski, Preety Bhandari, Gabrielle Swaby, Natalia Alayza, Jamal Srouji, Mario Julien Díaz, Edward Davey, Rogier van den Berg, Roman Czebiniak, Paige Langer and Nathan Cogswell on December 19, 2023
The COP28 climate talks began with a new fund to address the increasingly severe losses and damage vulnerable countries face from climate impacts and concluded with the first international agreement to tackle climate change’s main driver: fossil fuels. Those bookends to the Dubai summit ...
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