Posts tagged with 'innovation'
What's Worse: Production or Use?
What's Worse: Production or Use?
Photo by Stephane Foulon. From Road and Track. This week’s addition of BusinessWeek includes an article about Gordon Murray, a celebrated race car designer, who is switching gear and working to create “a compact, fuel-efficient urban vehicle for the masses,” ...
Introducing Google Transit
Introducing Google Transit
Like the release of most Google products, we’re not really sure when Google Transit came out. However, doing of few Google searches showed that as far back as December 2005 Google had already piloted Google Transit in Portland, Oregon. So ...
Hybrids for New York City
Hybrids for New York City
A Ford Escape Hybrid. Left: Photo by Daniel Acker/Bloomberg News, Right: Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images. Mayor Bloomberg has finally given the push to something hybrids were created for – stop and go traffic in New York City. As the ...
Lee Schipper at RPA
Lee Schipper at RPA
On May 4, 2007 EMBARQ’s Director of Research, Lee Schipper, gave a presentation at the 17th Annual Regional Planning Assembly held in New York City. This year’s conference, held at the swanky Waldorf Astoria hotel, was entitled, “A Bright + ...
UN Urges Caution on Biofuels
UN Urges Caution on Biofuels
Will biofuels lead to deforestation? Photo by Mike Warren. When it comes to fighting global warming, biofuels are all the rage these days. Just ask Richard Branson, the hot-air baloon adventurer, whose post-industrial empire includes Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Limousines, Virgin ...
Greening the Big Apple
Greening the Big Apple
Congestion pricing makes strange bedfellows: Listen below to New York City Public Radio and hear from representatives of the Manhattan Institute and Environmental Defense, both of whom support the Mayor’s plan for congestion pricing in Manhattan.
New Yorker Embraces Congestion Pricing
New Yorker Embraces Congestion Pricing
Bloomtown: The Mayor plans to boost spending on public transport. (Photo: Frank Franklin II/AP) This week’s Talk of the Town section of The New Yorker features an opinion in support of congestion pricing for lower Manhattan. Written by climate journalist ...
Ford Creates New Post - Vice President for Sustainability
Ford Creates New Post – Vice President for Sustainability
Are Times Changing in Detroit? On Monday, The New York Times reported that Ford Motor’s chief executive acknowledged the link between greenhouse gases and global warming and vowed to respond to the threat of a heating planet by creating a ...
Congestion Pricing Debate Heats Up
Congestion Pricing Debate Heats Up
New York City’s contentious new proposal on congestion pricing has fomented a lot of passionate debate in the last few days. Below are links to several transport experts’ analysis of congestion pricing in other cities: Lee Schipper, EMBARQ’s Director of ...
Congestion Pricing for New York City?
Congestion Pricing for New York City?
A more peaceful New York? Photo from The New York Times reports today that Mayor Bloomberg will announce on Sunday an ambitious proposal to give New York City a much needed face lift. Among the undertakings included in the ...
Cheap Cars, More Traffic
Cheap Cars, More Traffic
Residents in Taiwan snarled in traffic. The latest edition of Business Week includes an article about car companies using ultra-efficient business models to produce super cheap cars that are affordable to the masses in the developing world. Lead by Tata ...
Pimp My Ride
Pimp My Ride
In an Earth Day special, MTV’s Pimp My Ride will feature the greening of a ’65 Chevy Impala. During this very special episode of Pimp My Ride the crew will be replacing the original engine of the Impala with a ...
Better Bike Lanes
When it comes to making a city bike friendly, the simple bike lane is not enough. Check out this video featuring Transportation Alternatives, The Project for Public Spaces, and The Open Planning Project, which calls for a system that segregates ...
Winners and Losers in the Greening of Delhi’s Auto-rickshaws
Winners and Losers in the Greening of Delhi’s Auto-rickshaws
On March 30, Monica Bansal, a graduate student at Colombia University’s School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation visited EMBARQ’s offices and presented her research on Delhi’s auto-rickshaws. These three-wheeled vehicles carry thousands of city residents each day, providing an alternative ...
Inventors of the World, Unite!
Inventors of the World, Unite!
Photo from Earlier this week, Nick Bunkley of the New York Times reported that the X Prize Foundation is sponsoring a competition with an expected prize of $10 million to produce a car that travels 100 miles on a ...
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