Posts tagged with 'India'
Pedestrians watch traffic in Mumbai
Teething woes: traffic in Mumbai
An ever growing Mumbai has an ever increasing traffic problem that requires urgent attention. Photo by Tom Spender. Mumbai in western India is the commercial capital of India. A tiny island, the city has grown prodigiously in the past few ...
When commuting in Mumbai, bring your smartphone
When commuting in Mumbai, bring your smartphone
Auto-rickshaw drivers wait at a stop light. Metershare, a ride sharing app, helps commuters in Mumbai to coordinate shared auto-rickshaw rides. Photo by Phil Marion. Carpooling is not a new idea. In order to save money, reduce congestion, or simply ...
Tribal elder using the Janmarg BRT
Advanced bus system comes to Bhopal, India
A man boards the Janmarg BRT, one of the many advanced bus systems proliferating throughout India. Photo by Meena Kadri. On Saturday, June 1, Bhopal, India became the most recent city to debut a bus rapid transit (BRT) system, during ...
A boy peers out a bus window in Mumbai, India. Photo by gregor_y.
How clean is the air we breathe in cities?
More and more cities worldwide are grappling with the ever-increasing menace of air pollution — especially in India, which contains some of the most polluted cities in the world. Rapid economic growth in developing countries and increased individual wealth is ...
An auto-rickshaw transports passengers in Gujarat, India. Photo by lecercle.
Promoting ridesharing for the daily commute in Mumbai
Recently, the State Government of Maharashtra (the third largest state in India, located on the western side of the country, and home to the cities of Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur) began looking into a proposal to run long-distance, point-to-point shared ...
Trial runs launched on the iBus bus rapid transit corridor, Indore, India. Photo by Dario Hidalgo.
iBus, a new BRT changing the transport landscape in Indore, India
Last month, India’s newest bus rapid transit (BRT) system – iBus – launched trial operations in Indore. Over the last seven years, the implementing agency, Atal Indore City Transport Services Limited (AICTSL) worked closely with several public and private agencies, ...
Cycling through Mysore, India
Cycling through Mysore, India
This blog post is a part of the Catalyzing New Mobility program, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. Mysore, a historic city in southern India, is home to numerous palaces and ancient monuments and is the second largest city in the ...
Singapore Mass Rapid Transit system (MRT). By williamcho.
Sustainable transport finance: thinking nationally and locally
The world, and Asia in particular, is heading in the wrong direction Asia is rapidly urbanizing, creating localized stress on the transport system. In 2011, for the first time in history, more Chinese lived in urban centers than rural areas ...
Intermediate public transport services such as auto-rickshaws are an important part of sustainable urban transport in India. Photo by Roy Sinai.
Rickshaw-Taxi Online Discussion Group – A Summary of Discussions
This blog post is part of the Catalyzing New Mobility program and receives support from The Rockefeller Foundation. Intermediate public transport (IPT) services, such as auto-rickshaws and taxis are an important part of sustainable urban transport in India. Over the ...
The bicycle holds promise as a sustainable mobility solution for Indian cities. By Jorge Royan.
The promise of bike-sharing in India
This blog post is a part of the Catalyzing New Mobility program, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. Rapid economic growth in developing countries has resulted in increased purchasing power among the people, which manifests itself in an ever-increasing number of private ...
The authors of Low Carbon Land Transport – Policy Handbook ask, “Which transport vision will cities like Beijing, China [pictured here], choose for their future?” Photo by Daniel Bongardt.
Towards a vision of sustainable transport – Today’s decisions matter!
This post was authored by Daniel Bongardt, Insa Eekhoff, and Stefan Bakker In 2050, Pankaj and Amisha may live in the same country, but their daily experience in traffic could not be more different. Being troubled by congestion, air pollution, ...
Children play in Mumbai, India. Photo by EMBARQ.
5 keys to sustainable development in Indian cities
By Holger Dalkmann and Ashwin Prabhu — this post also appears in WRI Insights Indian cities are urbanizing at an unprecedented scale and pace. Over the next few decades, India’s urban population is expected to increase significantly, from 377 million in 2011 ...
Photo by Tom Spender.
Connecting sustainable transport to urban development in India
In 2011, nearly 350 million people lived in Indian cities. More than 300 million new residents will join them over the next few decades to become part of the new urban India. This population boom will stress an already-pressured urban infrastructure ...
Photo by Metro Transportation Library and Archive.
Friday Fun: Whom might you run into on public transport?
Many of us who enjoy public transport on a daily basis have been there…. the dinner table stories of your Aunt Mary running into the Duchess of Cambridge on the London Underground or your brother sitting three rows behind Tom ...
Lahore Metro Bus
The Metro Bus System comes to Lahore, Pakistan
Today we celebrate a positive development coming out of Pakistan, overlooked by mainstream news: an advanced bus system in Lahore, Pakistan’s second largest city. In years past, Lahore, capital of Pakistan’s eastern province of Punjab, was a city where urban ...
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