Posts tagged with 'Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC)'
Unique and Irreplaceable Cities Making the Urban Amazon Visible
Unique and Irreplaceable Cities Making the Urban Amazon Visible
Amazonian cities are diverse in opportunities and needs. The region’s biodiversity is among the world’s most important, but its cities’ sustainability challenges are less well-known. These jurisdictions require financial support and capacity building to create sustainable, conservation-oriented, equitable, urban green ...
Southeast Asian Cities Have Some of the Most Polluted Air in the World. El Niño Is Making it Worse
Southeast Asian Cities Have Some of the Most Polluted Air in the World. El Niño Is Making it Worse
Residents of Jakarta, Indonesia woke up on August 31, 2023, to a thick blanket of haze and news that their city was again ranked the most polluted in the world — one of many times during the last several months when air quality became ...
5 Reasons Cities Should Include Trees in Climate Action
5 Reasons Cities Should Include Trees in Climate Action
Cities and communities around the world are stepping up to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and prevent dangerous climate change impacts. Their strategies typically focus on reducing emissions from sectors such as transportation, energy, housing and waste. But there’s one sector many communities ...
Cities Should Account for Trees in their Greenhouse Gas Inventories. New Guidance Shows How
Cities Should Account for Trees in their Greenhouse Gas Inventories. New Guidance Shows How
Responsible for more than 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, action by cities is clearly crucial to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. An important part of this effort is developing local GHG inventories and climate action ...
There’s an Easy Way for National Governments to Help Cities Act on Climate Change – Give Them Data
There’s an Easy Way for National Governments to Help Cities Act on Climate Change – Give Them Data
Thousands of cities have committed to act on climate change, but few have yet turned their goals into tangible results. One of the important items that can help them begin is data from national governments. Establishing an “emissions inventory,” measuring how much greenhouse ...
Chengdu Shows How Cities Can Turn Climate Commitments into Action
Chengdu Shows How Cities Can Turn Climate Commitments into Action
The WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities’ Sustainable and Livable Cities Initiative supports key leaders in China, India and Brazil in improving urban quality of life and environmental sustainability. WRI’s blog series on the Initiative will highlight some of the projects that ...
At the second panel of Transforming Transportation, panelists discussed the encouraging trends in sustainable transport and development that make mobility an important part of curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ.
Live from Transforming Transportation: Advancing climate action through sustainable mobility
Transforming Transportation (#TTDC15) is the annual conference co-organized by EMBARQ, the sustainable urban transport arm of the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, and the World Bank. This year’s conference focuses on Smart Cities for Shared Prosperity, and takes place on ...
Though cities contribute a majority of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, they also provide forums for collaboration among diverse stakeholders to incubate climate change solutions. Photo by Wolfgang Staut/Flickr.
Why cities are the solution to climate change: A Q&A with Ani Dasgupta
2015 is a year of utmost importance for the global sustainable development agenda, and cities will play a pivotal role. Landmark global decisions over the next 12 months provide opportunities to unlock the potential of cities and improve quality of ...
Rio de Janeiro is using the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC) – the first internationally accepted standard for measuring city-level emissions – to inform actions on climate change. Photo by Gerben van Heijningen/Flickr.
Hundreds of cities poised to replicate Rio’s approach to measuring and reducing emissions
Rio de Janeiro is one of the world’s leading cities injecting sustainability into its planning. In 2011, Mayor Eduardo Paes enacted an ambitious climate change law, setting a goal to avoid 20% of its emissions by 2020, based on 2005 levels. There ...
With Compact of Mayors, cities lead on tackling climate change at U.N. Summit
With Compact of Mayors, cities lead on tackling climate change at U.N. Summit
Last week, cities around the world made bold commitments to confront climate change. The Compact of Mayors, announced at the UN Climate Summit in New York City, convenes cities to set ambitious targets and report their performance transparently. It builds ...
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