Posts tagged with 'food'
Mayors: Don’t Let Food Waste Be a Wasted Opportunity
Mayors: Don’t Let Food Waste Be a Wasted Opportunity
An Open Letter to the World’s Mayors: Welcome to Chicago! As you gather this week at a major climate summit, I hope you will make the most of your time in one of the world’s best food cities. Try the ...
Friday Fun: Three Neighborhoods Revitalize Their Fresh Food Markets
Friday Fun: Three Neighborhoods Revitalize Their Fresh Food Markets
“If you want to seed a place with activity, put out food.” – William H. Whyte. Packed with food, music and flowers, some fresh food markets have become popular tourist destinations in cities worldwide. Travelers weary of big-box supermarkets and ...
Friday Fun: How Cities Around the Globe Are Innovating to Solve Food Insecurity
Friday Fun: How Cities Around the Globe Are Innovating to Solve Food Insecurity
Today (October 16) marks World Food Day, when communities across the world take a stand against hunger and food insecurity. Hunger is a particularly important issue in cities, since poor households in urban areas spend anywhere from 60 to 80 ...
Why Cities Should Invest in Beekeeping
Why Cities Should Invest in Beekeeping
Cities looking for sustainable economic growth might consider investing in a seemingly unlikely source: urban beekeeping. Contrary to what one might expect, urban bees survive better, produce more honey, and are healthier than rural bees. Furthermore, urban bees have a ...
St. Lucia, South Africa Food Market
Why Africa Needs to Look to Its Cities to End Hunger
Last year, the African Union—an assembly of 54 African nations—formally committed to ending hunger in Africa by 2025. This is incredibly ambitious, considering one out of every four people in sub-Saharan Africa is undernourished. The majority of the 800 million ...
Global urban gardens
Friday Fun: A global green thumbs-up for urban gardens
In the northern hemisphere, the days are growing longer and warmer, signaling the first day of spring. For many, it’s time to start sowing seeds, and for those in cities, it’s time to dig into community gardens. According to the ...
Green cities must address garbage and trash with effective waste management strategies
Friday Fun: How to create tomorrow’s green cities with today’s garbage
Cities around the world face many challenges to their cleanliness and environmental sustainability, including rising greenhouse gas emissions, unsanitary public spaces, foul odors, growing energy demand, low recycling rates, and limited space. Most people wouldn’t think of trash as a ...
Urban gardens, like the one pictured above in Kibera, Nairobi, allow residents to come together for healthier, happier communities. Photo by Colin Crowley/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Urban gardening builds strong, cohesive communities
CNN recently described Cape Town, South Africa as being in the midst of a “vegoultion,” with hundreds of new community gardens and urban farms popping up throughout the city in recent years. The city’s “Green Clusters” are helping to improve ...
Pedestrian strolls past pojangmacha
Street food and urban mobility thrive together in Seoul
Walk down any major street in Seoul, South Korea, after dark and you’re more than likely to find carts with distinctive colorful awnings lining the sidewalk. The wafting steam and smells lure customers in, creating an inviting atmosphere where college ...
Studies Show the Connection Between Travel Times to Food Stores and Public Health
Studies Show the Connection Between Travel Times to Food Stores and Public Health
Generally, in the United States larger grocery store chains supply a variety of fresh food at lower costs, while independent grocers, bodegas and smaller stores have less selection and higher operating costs and prices.  Such stores tend to have a ...
Between Urban and Rural: Mobile Slaughterhouses Approved by USDA
Between Urban and Rural: Mobile Slaughterhouses Approved by USDA
The Hudson Valley is the epicenter of innovative ideas around food distribution and agriculture. New York City’s demand for sustainable food is driving much of that change as residents increasingly seek food from organic, small-scale farmers. Innovations like the modular ...
Yes! Is East of the River: A Window Into Transportation and Access in Ward 8
Yes! Is East of the River: A Window Into Transportation and Access in Ward 8
The first organic market to open east of the Anacostia is certainly a milestone but is it accessible? According to a press release announcing the new supermarket: “… Yes! Organic Market is committed to making fresh produce and healthy food ...
For Michelle Obama’s "Let’s Move" Campaign, Don’t Forget Planning and Design
For Michelle Obama’s "Let’s Move" Campaign, Don’t Forget Planning and Design
Yesterday, Michelle Obama rolled out her campaign against childhood obesity, dubbed “Let’s Move.” Along with the First Lady’s influential leadership, the project is backed by some significant resources, including as much as $1 billion a year in federal funds for ...
Food Trucks: Tasty, But Tricky
Food Trucks: Tasty, But Tricky
Yesterday morning, Prince of Petworth pointed out the opening of DC’s newest food truck, Sauca.  You can track its location here. Sauca is the latest addition to our local food cart explosion, joining the likes of the Fojol Brothers, SweetFlow ...
Virginia and Maryland Leave Ad Money on the Table
Virginia and Maryland Leave Ad Money on the Table
Ohio’s got a big plan to pay for its share of a new rail line from Cleveland through Columbus to Cincinnati, and it’s one of those things you just can’t believe doesn’t already exist.. According to the AP, they’ve renegotiated ...
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