Posts tagged with 'congestion charging'
Toward Car-Free Cities: Why Congestion Charging Failed in New York
“Toward Car-Free Cities,” a blog series by WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities’ Urban Mobility Team, explores the challenges and opportunities for Transport Demand Management (TDM) strategies. TDM focuses on reducing the demand for private vehicles through combining public policy ...
Delhi’s Air Quality Crisis: Lessons from Beijing, Mexico and Bogotá
Delhi’s Air Quality Crisis: Lessons from Beijing, Mexico and Bogotá
With 26 million inhabitants, Delhi’s metropolitan area is the fifth largest in the world. But the city also has terrible air quality, with an annual average particulate matter 15 times the recommendation of the World Health Organization. Air pollution is ...
Delhi’s Diet Plan
Delhi’s Diet Plan
Kudos to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and all others in the Delhi government responsible for announcing a car-restriction program. It is great to see city leaders realize that private vehicles cannot solve its mobility problem and start a diet programme. ...
Proper Use of Congestion Fee Can Cut China's Traffic Jams
Proper Use of Congestion Fee Can Cut China's Traffic Jams
The Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport is considering a trial of congestion charges on vehicles from 2016 to mitigate traffic congestion in the city. The government’s priority, as proposed in the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) and the Traffic Congestion Mitigation ...
How Istanbul Improved Air Quality by Putting Pedestrians First
How Istanbul Improved Air Quality by Putting Pedestrians First
Motorized vehicle emissions are a primary cause of air pollution and yield some of the most adverse impacts on public health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to heavy traffic—even living near a major road—harms health and increases ...
London Congestion Charge Zone
Ken Livingstone's Lessons for Congestion Charging and City Leadership
Ken Livingstone, the first ever mayor of London, known for implementing one of the largest congestion charge zones in the world, will come to Brazil in September for the Mayors´ Summit and the Cities & Transport International Congress. Here is ...
Beijing TDM
Four lessons from Beijing and Shanghai show how China’s cities can curb car congestion
A century of car-centric urban development has left our cities polluted, congested and searching for sustainable solutions. Transport Demand Management (TDM) strategies can provide these solutions by combining public policy and private sector innovation to reverse over-reliance on private cars. ...
London and congestion charging
Pricing congestion to invest in sustainable transport: lessons from London
In 2003, London adopted a program of congestion pricing that now places a roughly $17 (£11.50) daily fee on motor vehicles entering central London. The effort was expected to reduce car traffic, air pollution, and emissions in the area, and ...
A crowd gathers overlooking Singapore's Marina Bay. Photo by Nicolas Lannuzel/Flickr.
TheCityFix’s Year in Review: Who’s who in the Urbanism Hall of Fame
The science of sustainable cities is constantly evolving. Cities are the birthplace for innovative ideas to address a myriad of global challenges, and new solutions require strong leadership. Throughout 2014, Dario Hidalgo and TheCityFix have examined the pioneers of sustainable ...
Sustainable transport plays an important role in helping Chinese cities address their debilitating air pollution. Photo by Da Yang/Flickr.
China’s clean air challenge: The health impacts of transport emissions
This is the first post of the China’s Clean Air Challenge series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This series examines the increasing social, environmental, and economic impacts of the serious air quality issue in Chinese cities, and investigates the source of emissions ...
Rapid urbanization creates a number challenges for city leaders, but the growing use of sustainable urban mobility solutions provides reasons for optimism in cities worldwide. Photo by Benoit Colin/Flickr.
Five reasons to be optimistic about sustainable urban mobility
According to the United Nations World Urbanization Prospects, cities will add over 2.5 billion people in the next 40 years, with 90% of this growth coming from cities in emerging economies. China and India alone are expected to add 276 million and 218 million urban ...
With the right government leadership, the new normal for sustainable transport in Chinese cities will include more transit-oriented development, shared mobility services, and transport innovations from the private sector. Photo by Taro Taylor/Flickr.
A “new normal” for sustainable transport in Chinese cities
As cities worldwide innovate to improve mobility, Chinese cities lag behind in adopting emerging sustainable transport solutions. Still, a number of concepts are set to become crucial to the future of urban transport in China. Transit-oriented development (TOD), innovative transit ...
Despite daunting challenges, rapidly urbanizing Asian cities have a range of options to improve road safety and save lives. Photo by Ashok/Flickr.
Safer cities for the Asian Century
With the next few decades expected to witness to Asia’s swift rise in economic and political influence, the eyes of the world have focused on Asian cities as the engines of this growth. Last month’s Asian Development Bank Transport Forum ...
Urbanism Hall of Fame: Ken Livingstone makes congestion pricing and transit integration work in a megacity
Urbanism Hall of Fame: Ken Livingstone makes congestion pricing and transit integration work in a megacity
This is the fifth entry in the Urbanism Hall of Fame series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This series is intended to inform people about the leading paradigms surrounding sustainable transport and urban planning and the thinkers behind them. By presenting their many ...
The BIG bus network in Bangalore is an example of an integrated transport solution that offers better accessibility through connectivity between transport modes and networks. Photo by Benoit Colin/EMBARQ.
From the director's chair: Sustainable urban transport solutions worth spreading
Holger Dalkmann, Director of EMBARQ – the producer of TheCityFix – wrote about the importance of developed and emerging cities improving sustainable transport in the 2014 Commonwealth Ministers Reference Book. Read his thoughts on growing trends contributing to sustainable cities worldwide. ...
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