Posts tagged with 'carbon'
How Santiago de Chile Became a Global Leader on Electric Buses
How Santiago de Chile Became a Global Leader on Electric Buses
The electrification of transport has taken off around the globe. Cities and transit agencies are experimenting with the latest trends and innovations, spanning the gamut from cars to buses, scooters and bikes. We have seen China lead on electric vehicles ...
Nature in the Urban Century: Cities Can Offer Solutions for Biodiversity Loss – If We Act Now
Nature in the Urban Century: Cities Can Offer Solutions for Biodiversity Loss – If We Act Now
This century will be remembered as the urban century. Our generation will witness the most significant urban growth in human history. By 2050, there will be 2.4 billion more people in cities, a rate of urban growth that is the ...
Curbing Climate Change and Preventing Deaths from Air Pollution Go Hand-in-Hand
Curbing Climate Change and Preventing Deaths from Air Pollution Go Hand-in-Hand
More than 7 million people die prematurely every year due to air pollution. That’s like the entire population of Hong Kong dropping dead due to a cause that’s ultimately avoidable. The World Health Organization (WHO) is turning its attention to ...
Getting Urban Transformation Right
Getting Urban Transformation Right
Every other Sunday, thousands of people spill onto otherwise auto-clogged city streets across India. For a few hours, the roadways are theirs – to walk, cycle, skate, practice yoga, CrossFit, even Zumba. Open streets days, known locally as Raahgiri Days, ...
Updates on Latin America Carbon Finance
Updates on Latin America Carbon Finance
The 2011 Latin American Carbon Forum wrapped up in San Jose, Costa Rica last week. The forum was created as a platform to discuss the global carbon market and present policy analysis for climate change mitigation. The event was also ...
Anytime, Anywhere: Telecommuting to Save Money, Minutes and Carbon
Anytime, Anywhere: Telecommuting to Save Money, Minutes and Carbon
A recent survey by Workopolis, a Canadian website offering online career solutions, found that 88 percent of Canadian workers agree that there should be government support for a nationally recognized day for teleworking. Teleworking, or telecommuting, is an arrangement between ...
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