Posts tagged with 'bike-sharing'
Madrid mayor Ana Botella rides her bike
Friday Fun: Six mayors who bike, and why this is a good thing
Here at TheCityFix, we believe in recognizing profound leadership in urban sustainability. After all, it takes a combination of citizen support and top-down vision to create meaningful change in a city. While public focus is usually on what city leaders ...
As cities urbanize worldwide, they must focus on connected, compact, and coordinated development to grow their economies and tackle climate change. Photo by Scutter/Flickr.
‘We have to get urbanization right’: A Q&A with Felipe Calderón on cities in the New Climate Economy
2015 is a year of utmost importance for the global sustainable development agenda, and cities will play a pivotal role. Landmark global decisions over the next 12 months provide opportunities to unlock the potential of cities and improve quality of ...
The shared mobility economy is on the rise. Zipcar founder Robin Chase sat down with TheCityFix to discuss how current trends and innovations are transforming transportation. Photo by Hugger Industries/Flickr.
Innovating for smart, sustainable cities: A Q&A on urban mobility with Zipcar founder Robin Chase
2015 is a year of utmost importance for the global sustainable development agenda, and cities will play a pivotal role. Landmark global decisions over the next 12 months provide opportunities to unlock the potential of cities and improve quality of ...
Urban sustainability trends to watch
TheCityFix’s Year in Review: Urban sustainability trends to watch
With urban growth come a number of opportunities to positively transform our cities. And while the unique challenges faced by city leaders are shaped by local contexts and histories, their actions reveal broader trends in how cities worldwide are changing ...
There are many obstacles on the path towards sustainable, inclusive, healthy cities, but there's some fun along the way, too. Photo by kk9k/Flickr.
TheCityFix’s Year in Review: Five stories that prove building sustainable cities can be fun, too
With every year that passes, the challenges to creating the sustainable cities we want to live in seem to multiply. Our cities are growing larger, their roads are more congested, their air quality is deteriorating, and their contributions to climate ...
EMBARQ Turkey's Livable Cities Symposium will highlight the importance of bikeability and walkability in creating livable cities for all. Join the discussion online using #LivableCities. Photo by Marko Anastasov/Flickr.
Enhancing livability in Turkey and in cities worldwide
Over the past half-century, the world has urbanized at an unprecedented pace. In 1970, about 37% of the world’s population lived in urban areas. This number rose to 45% in 1990, 54% in 2014, and is expected to reach 66% by 2050. Much of this urban ...
Rapid urbanization creates a number challenges for city leaders, but the growing use of sustainable urban mobility solutions provides reasons for optimism in cities worldwide. Photo by Benoit Colin/Flickr.
Five reasons to be optimistic about sustainable urban mobility
According to the United Nations World Urbanization Prospects, cities will add over 2.5 billion people in the next 40 years, with 90% of this growth coming from cities in emerging economies. China and India alone are expected to add 276 million and 218 million urban ...
With the right government leadership, the new normal for sustainable transport in Chinese cities will include more transit-oriented development, shared mobility services, and transport innovations from the private sector. Photo by Taro Taylor/Flickr.
A “new normal” for sustainable transport in Chinese cities
As cities worldwide innovate to improve mobility, Chinese cities lag behind in adopting emerging sustainable transport solutions. Still, a number of concepts are set to become crucial to the future of urban transport in China. Transit-oriented development (TOD), innovative transit ...
What if there were no need for cars in the world’s biggest cities?
What if there were no need for cars in the world’s biggest cities?
This question is at once lofty and ordinary, addressing one of the most pressing sustainability challenges of our times and one of the most routine. How to get to and from home to work, school or market is simple enough, ...
Increasing motorization in cities across China is threatening air quality and public health, causing many to ask what reforms can combat the country's growing culture of car-dependency. Photo by ilmari hyvönen/Flickr.
Turning the car around: Decreasing high-emission automobiles is the first step to a greener China
China currently has enough roads and infrastructure to accommodate 300 million vehicles. With car ownership reaching 137 million at the end of 2013, and 74 Chinese cities already reporting pollution surging above the level deemed safe by the World Health Organization (WHO) for over two thirds ...
Mexico City's car-free Sundays have created a mindset of sustainable mobility that has perpetuated throughout the week. Photo by Carlos Alejandro Figeuroa/Flickr.
Beyond Move in Mexico City: Integrating sustainable mobility into the everyday
This year marks the seventh anniversary of the “Muévete en bici” (Bike Move) program in Mexico City. Every Sunday for the past seven years, the city has closed many of its streets to cars, and opened them up to pedestrians ...
Alta Bicycle Share has been successful in molding bike-share systems to meet individual city needs and build a culture of sustainable mobility. Photo by aaaronvandorn/Flickr.
“The wind at our backs”: An interview with Alta Bicycle Share co-founder Jeff Olson
Recently Jeff Olson, co-founder of Alta Bicycle Share, took a moment to sit down for a discussion on bike-share and sustainable urban mobility with TheCityFix. Our discussion spanned Olson’s thirty years of work in the field and his thoughts on ...
Mexico City's Ecobici bike-share system is one of the best in the world due to its high usage and integration into the city's transport system. Photo by Eneas de Troya/Flickr.
Building towards better bike-sharing systems
Less than ten years ago Lyon, France launched the first successful, modern bike-share system. Less than seven years ago Paris, France put bike-sharing in the global spotlight. Bike-sharing is no longer a novel experiment but a proven mobility solution. From ...
Mayors play a pivotal role in creating sustainable, livable cities. Photo by Tommy Vohs /Flickr.
On the move: Advancing sustainable transport – getting from here to there
This is the tenth and final post of the “Sustainable Urban Transport On The Move” blog series, exclusive to TheCityFix. Preparation of this series was possible thanks to a grant by Shell Corporation. Its contents are the sole responsibility of ...
Riding a Bixi bike through Montreal, Canada. Photo by Roland/Flickr.
The bike-share report: The lessons of the Bixi system
Peter Midgley joins us as the author for the “Bike share report” series. We invited Peter to share his vast knowledge on bicycle sharing gained through his experience tracking the growth of bicycle sharing systems since 2007. Peter formerly worked ...
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