Posts tagged with 'bike lanes'
Mayoral Bike to Work Day?
Mayoral Bike to Work Day?
Last weekend, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa experienced firsthand why city cyclists are constantly complaining about disrespectful drivers on the streets. Villaraigosa, who began to actively promote biking in L.A. after attending the Copenhagen climate conference in December, was out ...
Cycle Superhighways Open in London
Cycle Superhighways Open in London
“No longer will pedal power have to dance and dodge around petrol power – on these routes the bicycle will dominate and that will be clear to all others using them.” — London Mayor Boris Johnson on his “cycling revolution” ...
Tip of the Helmet to Wilmington, N.C.
Tip of the Helmet to Wilmington, N.C.
Inspired by Stephen Colbert’s “Tip of the Hat,”  TheCityFix is starting a new series – “Tip of the Helmet” –  to give credit where it’s due as cities invest in sustainable transport, particularly for walking and cycling. To kick off ...
Green Mobility: Learning from Germany and Making Washington Greater
Green Mobility: Learning from Germany and Making Washington Greater
Yesterday I attended “Biking, Walking, and Public Transport: Smart Mobility for the 21st Century” at the Goethe-Institut. The event kicked off with a great hands-on demonstration of how to change a bike tire by Daniel Hoagland, D.C.’s star bike ambassador. Some ...
D.C. Cyclists Will Enjoy New Bike Lanes by Spring
D.C. Cyclists Will Enjoy New Bike Lanes by Spring
Last night, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) shared its proposals for new bike lanes in downtown D.C. Protected cycle lanes are planned for Pennsylvania Avenue as well as 9th, 15th, I and L Streets. Greater Greater Washington posted a ...
Mexico City Launches Ecobici Bike-Sharing Program
Mexico City Launches Ecobici Bike-Sharing Program
Last week, Mexico City came a couple steps closer to reducing the 5 million vehicles that pass through it each day with the launch of its new bike sharing program, Ecobici. The Federal District’s Head of Government, Marcelo Ebrard; Mexico ...
New Report: Biking and Walking Could Save Lives
New Report: Biking and Walking Could Save Lives
A “lack of investment in biking and walking could be contributing to higher traffic fatalities and chronic disease rates in the U.S.,” according to a new report released today by the Alliance for Biking & Walking. Here are some of ...
Back to Bicycling Basics in Beijing
Back to Bicycling Basics in Beijing
According to The Guardian, 20 years ago, four out of five Beijing residents pedaled around China’s capital in some of the world’s best bike lanes.  However, this number has decreased as private car ownership has gone up. From 1995 to 2005, China’s ...
Must Dark Days Precede Bike Infrastructure Gains?
Must Dark Days Precede Bike Infrastructure Gains?
Following all the excitement of Walk 21,  where the advantages of walking and bicycling infrastructure frequently took center stage, it’s a bit sobering to take note of what happens in the absence of such facilities. linked yesterday to a ...
Critical K Street Transitway Needs Your Help
Critical K Street Transitway Needs Your Help
It’s sometimes said that the stimulus bill was the first transportation bill. That’s basically correct; you can’t go anywhere in the transportation world without hearing how a given project was, will be, or hopefully might be a stimulus grant recipient. ...
The Odd Professional Congestion Consensus
The Odd Professional Congestion Consensus
Dr. Gridlock received an e-mail with a set of suggestions for how to reduce congestion in downtown D.C. He responds by giving his own list, which basically consists of enforcing double-parking laws, not building more parking downtown and then implementing ...
Why Do Drivers Get Mad at Bikers?
Why Do Drivers Get Mad at Bikers?
Sarah Goodyear asks a good question: “What is it about bicycles that drives some motorists so crazy?” Her answer is that while yes, bikes do sometimes slow down cars, she “sometimes think[s] that drivers hate on bicyclists so much because, ...
Highlights from TheCityFix DC
Highlights from TheCityFix DC
A few highlights from our TheCityFix DC site-if you’re not reading it regularly, you’re missing out: LEED Neighborhood Development Wants You to Build More More More: Why doesn’t LEED-ND certify already existing neighborhoods? It’s one more example of green consumerism, ...
Montgomery County Moves to Urbanize
Montgomery County Moves to Urbanize
The BeyondDC newsfeed yesterday just blew my mind. Of yesterday’s five headlines, each and every one is about some part of Montgomery County embracing a more sustainable, more urban land use pattern. Let’s go through them one by one: Read ...
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