Posts tagged with 'accessibility'
Raahgiri Day in Gurgaon, India
Raahgiri Day spotlights non-motorized mobility in India
This post follows up on TheCityFix’s article that announced the launch of Raahgiri Day last month. On a cold winter morning on November 17, 2013, over 10,000 residents of Gurgaon, India, poured onto the streets to celebrate their city. Raahgiri ...
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Meet datapoa: Porto Alegre’s new open data portal
Last week Porto Alegre, Brazil launched datapoa, a new open data portal that gathers information directly from the city’s residents on themes including mobility, environment, geography, urban sanitation, and public health. The goal of datapoa is to encourage people to learn ...
Istanbul, Turkey
Defining a #livablecity in Turkey and beyond
How livable is the city you live in? What should a livable city look like? How do we improve quality of life for urban residents? On Wednesday, November 20, the Livable Cities Symposium in Istanbul, Turkey will explore these questions ...
Crosswalk in São Paulo
Is crowdsourcing the next revolution in urban accessibility?
Urban residents worldwide encounter a myriad of accessibility challenges every day, many of which pose particular challenges to individuals with disabilities. In an effort to identify these daily challenges, a partnership between the Association for Assistance to Disabled Children (AACD) and IBM recently ...
Girls on swingset
Film puts a face on transport problems in Istanbul
Two girls sit on a swing set, their enormous smiles offsetting the disturbing scenery behind them – miles of highways surrounding their homes. Like 9 out of 10 of Istanbul’s citizens, their family doesn’t own a car. One girl explains, ...
Pedestrian crossing
On the move: Steering urban transport in a new direction
This is the inaugural post of a new “Sustainable Urban Transport On The Move” blog series, exclusive to TheCityFix. Ever since the mass production of automobiles began nearly a century ago, the prevailing paradigm in urban transport has been the ...
Children in Suwon
Putting ecomobility to the test in Suwon
As the EcoMobility World Festival enters its final week in Suwon, South Korea, questions arise about the future of the city’s Haenggung-dong neighborhood. With over 4,300 residents, Haenggung-dong is one of Suwon’s most crowded neighborhoods, and has been a car-free ...
Seatbelts, GPS, and padded seats could help auto-rickshaws go the final mile
Seatbelts, GPS, and padded seats could help auto-rickshaws go the final mile
With a few changes, auto-rickshaws could become ideal transport for persons with disabilities trying to connect with public transit. Photo by Pinreader. Bus rapid transit (BRT) and other bus and rail modes are becoming increasingly accessible for seniors, passengers with ...
Friday Fun: “Walk On,” Hindi rock band tells Gurgaon
Friday Fun: “Walk On,” Hindi rock band tells Gurgaon
Euphoria, the nationally popular Hindi rock band, is writing an anthem to non-motorized transport for the city of Gurgaon. Photo by FrogStarB. What do pop bands and urban development have to do with each other? Well, in Gurgaon, the largest ...
Accessibility for all
Accessibility for all
In order for a system to be truly accessible, it must be accessible at all links in the transport chain. Photo by EMBARQ. Ten percent of the world’s population has a disability. That’s 650 million people, 80% of whom live ...
Mapping Mobility: The Many Metro Maps of Bangalore
Mapping Mobility: The Many Metro Maps of Bangalore
  Welcome to Mapping Mobility, our recurring series on innovative cartography in the public space. We’ll highlight innovation and stories about the conceptual urban space and how we navigate it with humanity’s most essential mobility tool. Come December 22, 2012,  Delhi Metro will turn ...
Research Recap, October 3: Parklets in Los Angeles, BioFuels & The Environment, Bikesharing Best Practices
Research Recap, October 3: Parklets in Los Angeles, BioFuels & The Environment, Bikesharing Best Practices
Welcome back to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. We’re sorry we haven’t been posting at TheCityFix, but we’re back in action, bringing  you ...
Upcoming Event: World Urban Forum
Upcoming Event: World Urban Forum
The Sixth Session of the World Urban Forum, jointly organized by UN-Habitat, will take place in Naples, Italy beginning this Saturday. The event, sponsored by the National Government of Italy, the Campania Region and the City of Naples, will highlight ...
Government Accessibility, Accountability In Transport
Government Accessibility, Accountability In Transport
In keeping with the social-contract, the United Kingdom House of Commons’ Environmental Audit Committee is calling for public input on its inquiry, “Transport and the Accessibility of Public Services’. The Committee is preparing for a synthesis of its near decade old “Making ...
Q&A with Akshay Mani: Rajkot's New Auto-Rickshaw Fleet
Q&A with Akshay Mani: Rajkot's New Auto-Rickshaw Fleet
One week ago, with assistance from  EMBARQ India, the city of Rajkot, in partnership with Nirmal Foundation, launched the G-Auto service, debuting a new fleet of auto-rickshaws, featuring a unified brand and dial-a-rixa (call-in) service, on July 13. The initial fleet includes 50 ...
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