Posts in the 'Energy + Climate Change' category
New fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles like buses are important in moving towards a smaller carbon footprint. Photo by Zolk/Flickr.
New fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty vehicles are a “win-win-win”
America’s vehicles are on the road to becoming cleaner. Last week, President Obama directed his administration to set new fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, including large pick-up trucks, school buses, and tractors. Improving fuel ...
Cape Town, South Africa calls for increased transport demand management (TDM). Photo by Warren Rohner/Flickr.
Lessons from the C40 Mayors Summit: Scaling up solutions for resilient, livable cities
More than 70 percent of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. So cities represent the single greatest opportunity for targeted, meaningful actions that create impact on the ground, improve the quality of life for billions of people, and reduce ...
Boats anchored in a harbor outside of Qingdao, China. Photo by Li-Cah/Wikimedia.
Sustainable Cities: From a Vision to Reality
The C40 Cities Mayors Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa kicks off today. It’s the fifth biennial meeting of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, a collection of mayors from cities around the world committed to advancing urban solutions to climate ...
Passengers disembark from a train in Tianjin, China. Photo by Yang Aijun/WorldBank/Flickr. Cropped.
New global campaign aims to deliver sustainable transport to world’s cities
Human society has a lot riding on the transport sector. Safe, efficient, and sustainable transport not only has the potential to enhance or degrade the public spaces, health, and economic dynamism of where the majority of humanity lives – in ...
Passengers wait for Ahmedabad, India's bus rapid transit (BRT). Photo by Meena Kadri/Flickr. Cropped.
Live from Transforming Transportation: Mid-Sized Cities / Secure Public Transport / A Coalition for Change
EMBARQ, the sustainable urban transport and urban development program of the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Bank co-organized Transforming Transportation on January 16 and 17 in Washington, D.C. For more information about this year’s conference, visit and see TheCityFix’s live coverage ...
Metro construction in Mysore, India. Photo by Samuel Raj/Flickr.
The trillion dollar question: Where does transport investment come from?
How much money is spent on global transport systems? And where is this money coming from? These are critical questions: The world’s cities will add 274,000 people every day for the next 30 years, and urban leaders are currently grappling ...
Happy traffic in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Photo by SpAvAAi/Flickr.
Transport at the Forefront of COP19 Climate Change Agenda
“It is not possible to effectively address climate change without substantive [greenhouse gas] GHG emission reductions by the transport sector. Climate action on transport is directly linked to sustainable development.” This statement is the founding principle of the Partnership on ...
Traffic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Transport NAMA Database: Sharing the work of developing countries and technical experts
Transport currently accounts for nearly 20% of global energy use and related CO2 emissions, approximately 40% of which are emitted from urban transport. Transport emissions are expected to increase by 57% worldwide from 1990 levels by 2030 and more than ...
Manila intersection
Transport takes center stage at Asia Low Emission Development Strategies Forum in Manila
The transport sector is the fastest growing major contributor to global climate change – it accounts for 23% of energy related CO2 emissions. In Asia, CO2 emissions are expected to experience a three- to five-fold increase by 2030 compared to ...
Family in Dhaka
Global Calculator 2050 to energize the climate debate
Update July 21, 2014: The Global Calculator is live! Visit to try the beta version of the Calculator.  Part I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report recently confirmed that atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gases (GHG) carbon ...
Robin Chase
Three things you should be doing right now: Advice from Robin Chase, founder of Zipcar
As human society faces the massive global challenge of climate change, many of us ask ourselves – do my individual actions really matter? Robin Chase, the founder and former CEO of Buzzcar and Zipcar, thinks they do, and she’s given ...
Pedestrian crossing
On the move: Steering urban transport in a new direction
This is the inaugural post of a new “Sustainable Urban Transport On The Move” blog series, exclusive to TheCityFix. Ever since the mass production of automobiles began nearly a century ago, the prevailing paradigm in urban transport has been the ...
Bogota Cyclist
Putting people first: Cities lead the fight against climate change
Julia Thayne reports on the inaugural City Climate Leadership Awards Ceremony and Conference, September 4-5 in London. In many places in South America, owning a car is equated with obtaining high socioeconomic status. During recent years, however, cities such as Bogota, ...
Friday Fun: 589 reasons to bicycle to work
Friday Fun: 589 reasons to bicycle to work
There are many reasons to commute to work by bicycle. One commuter, Tim Goldby, recently demonstrated a great reason: it is often faster to commute by bicycle than by car. You can watch as Goldby zooms by 589 cars on ...
The number crunch: Predicting motorization in China
The number crunch: Predicting motorization in China
China’s dramatic increase in motorized vehicle use has greatly exceeded past predictions. Now, latest estimates suggest that, by 2050, as many as one billion vehicles (excluding electric bikes and rural vehicles) will be on the road in China. This is ...
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