Posts tagged with 'dance'
Reclaiming the Streets: Addis Ababa, Other African Cities Launch Car-Free Days
Reclaiming the Streets: Addis Ababa, Other African Cities Launch Car-Free Days
African cities have an imbalance. Around half of the population walks, bicycles or takes public transport to get around, usually under unsafe and difficult conditions. But despite this unusually high level of non-motorized mobility, street space is disproportionately allocated to ...
Friday Fun: How Art and Culture Contribute to Your Unique Metro Experience
Friday Fun: How Art and Culture Contribute to Your Unique Metro Experience
Have you ever been intrigued by the artistic design of a metro station? Have you stopped to watch a street dancer perform on a metro platform? A metro station can be more than a place where you impatiently wait for ...
Singer in Chicago subway
Friday Fun: Song and dance transcend the ordinary on public transport
“Some sociologists say that modern modes of transport annihilate space and time and generate a permanent fright in travelers…we did our best in making one of those daily trips have a meaning beyond its origin and destination.” Those are the ...
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