Recent Posts by Natalia
New Study from Bogotá Shows How Women Experience Transport Differently
New Study from Bogotá Shows How Women Experience Transport Differently
Cities around the world are slowly realizing that gender dynamics play an important role in how people interact with transport systems. Taken as groups, women and men tend to have different travel patterns, different safety concerns, and even make different ...
Q&A: How Bogotá is Harnessing Leadership to Redefine Road Safety and Save Lives
Q&A: How Bogotá is Harnessing Leadership to Redefine Road Safety and Save Lives
This week, the United Nations celebrates the fifth iteration of its Global Road Safety Week with the theme of leadership. The topic highlights the role that elected leaders have in enforcing and implementing road safety goals at the national and ...
Bogotá’s ciclovía gives residents the opportunity to enjoy public spaces for a variety of recreational activities every Sunday. Photo by Dario Hidalgo.
A New Way to Measure Road Safety That Doesn’t Wait for Crashes to Happen
In order to improve road safety, decision makers need accurate information about their city’s streets. Traditionally, road safety analysis has relied on historical data of actual crashes. However, the drawback of this “crash-based approach” is that it is reactive—we have ...
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